Browse Items
- 1820
- 1838 sale
- 18th Century
- Aaron Edmonson
- Abolition
- Abolitionism
- Abraham
- Abuse
- Abuse of slaves
- Adam Marshall
- Advertisement
- African American labor
- Alabama
- Alexius
- Alexius Scott
- Alms
- Aloysius
- Aloysius Mudd
- Ambrose Maréchal
- Ann Fenwick
- Ann Green
- Appraisal
- Archaeology
- Archey
- Archy
- Ariana Johnson
- Art
- Ascension Parish
- Atlantic Slave Trade
- Augustin Linsey
- Augustus
- Baltimore
- Baptism
- Baptisms
- Barney
- Basil Butler
- Beatty v. Hawkins
- Becky
- Ben Branson
- Benedict Fenwick
- Benedict Johnson
- Bernard Maguire
- Biby Butler
- Bill
- Billy
- Births
- Black Lives Matter
- Blackface Minstrelsy
- blacksmith
- blankets
- Bohemia
- Buck
- Burial
- Burials
- Campus labor
- Campus Map
- Carlos Scott
- Cassimir
- Catholic Church
- Catholicism
- Cemetery
- certificate of freedom
- Charles
- Charles Boarman
- Charles Hill
- Charles Lancaster
- Charles Liebermann
- Charles Mahoney
- Charles Queen
- Charles Stonestreet
- Charles Taylor
- Charly
- Chatham
- Chatham Plantation
- Child labor
- Children
- Christmas
- Civil War
- Civil War Centennial
- Clem
- Clem Hill
- clothes
- clothing
- College Burial Ground
- College expenses
- Colonization
- Compensation
- Contrabands
- Cornelius Hawkins
- Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen
- Cotton
- Daniel Bennett
- Data Visualization
- David
- Davy Johnson
- Death
- Debt
- Debts
- Descendants
- Dick
- Digital History
- Disease
- District of Columbia
- Doctors fees
- Donaldsonville
- Dormitory
- dwellings
- Earlene Campbell-Coleman
- Edmund Forstall
- Education
- Edward Queen
- Edward Taylor
- Elisha Harrison
- Eliza
- Eliza Dorsey
- Elizabeth Queen
- Emancipation
- Emily Sparks Woolfolk
- Emily Woolfolk
- enslaved women
- expenses
- Extra work
- Families
- Farm
- Father Curley
- Father Neale
- Fenwick
- Fidel Grivel
- Finances
- Financial statement
- Food
- Fr. Grivel
- Fr. Havermans
- Fr. Vespre
- Framel Cloud
- Francis Beeston
- Francis Dzierozynski
- Francis Fevrier
- Francis Neale
- Francis Scott Key
- Francis Vespre
- Frank
- Frank Campbell
- Free people of color
- Freedmen
- Freedom
- Freedom Claims
- Freedom Suits
- Gabe
- Gabriel Bennett
- Gardens
- Gaston Hall
- Genealogy
- Geneaology
- Geogetown College
- George
- George Fenwick
- George Floyd
- Georgetown
- Georgetown College
- Georgetown Dramatic Association
- Georgetown Medical Department
- Georgetown University
- Germain Bitouzey
- Gift
- gifts
- GU272
- GU272 Descendants
- GU272 Referendum
- Guinea
- Hariot Edelin
- Harriet
- Harry
- Harry Shorter
- Health
- Healy Hall
- Henrietta Pike
- Henry Elder
- Henry Johnson
- Hilary
- Hillary
- hire
- hire terms
- Hiring
- Holidays
- Holy Cross College
- Holy Trinity
- Holy Trinity Church
- Homer Plessy
- Horatio Reid
- Iberville Parish
- Ignatius Brocard
- Ignatius Brooke
- Ignatius Smith
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
- Isaac
- Isaac Hawkins
- J.B. Woolfolk
- Jack
- Jacob
- Jail
- James
- James A. Neill
- James Carroll
- James Greenwell
- James Henry Young
- James Neale
- James O'Reilly
- James Price
- James Reilly
- James Ryder
- James Van de Velde
- James Walton
- James Young
- Jan Roothaan
- Jane Smith
- Jans Roothaan
- Jem
- Jeremiah Bronuagh
- Jeremiah Neale
- Jesse Batey
- Jesse Beatty
- Jessica Tilson
- Jesuits
- Joe
- John
- John Ashton
- John Barrow
- John Beschter
- John Bridges
- John Butler
- John Carroll
- John Cary
- John Duncan
- John Fevrier
- John Grassi
- John Henry
- John Hoover
- John Llewellin
- John McElroy
- John R. Thompson
- John Ross Key
- John Thompson
- Jones
- Joseph
- Joseph Carberry
- Joseph Carbery
- Joseph Edlen
- Joseph Harris
- Joseph Mobberly
- Joseph Moberly
- Joseph Mosley
- Joseph Stone
- Joseph Woolfolk
- Joshua Ritchie
- Judy Riffel
- Justane Douat
- Karran Harper-Royal
- Kate
- Kidnapping
- labor
- Labor Contracts
- Land
- Last Rites
- Leonard Edelen
- Leonard Neale
- Lewis
- Lewis Sewall
- Liberia
- Liddy
- Lost Friends
- Louisa Mason
- Louise Mason
- Louisiana
- Lucy
- Lucy Butler
- Lucy Lancaster
- Mahoney
- Management
- Manumission
- Map
- Maps
- Margaret Armstrong
- Margaret Fenwick
- Margaret Smallwood
- Maria
- Maringouin
- Marongouin
- Marriage
- Marriages
- Marshall
- Marsham Waving
- Marva Bennett Kelly
- Mary Ann Boarman
- Mary B. Hook
- Mary Boarman
- Mary Fenwick
- Maryland Colonization Society
- Maryland Province
- Maryland Province; Slave Labor
- Mass
- Mat
- Matt
- Maxine Crump
- McElroy
- McFerson
- McSherry
- medical care
- Medical Department
- Memorials
- Memory
- Methodism
- Michael
- Michael Healy
- Miguel
- Milly
- Minty
- Miriam Dorsey
- Missions
- Missouri
- Mistreatment
- Mitchell Bronaugh
- Molly
- Monihan
- Mortgages
- Moses
- Moses Taylor
- Mr. Lloyd
- Mrs. Foxhall
- Mrs. McDermott
- Mulledy
- Music
- Nace Butler
- Nancy
- Nat
- Nat Negro
- Neale
- Ned
- Ned Dorsey
- Nelly
- New York Times
- Newtown
- Nicholas
- Noble Taylor
- Noble Young
- Notley Young
- Obituaries
- Observatory
- Old Dick
- Oral history
- Orlando Ward
- Osceola Green
- overseer
- Panic of 1837
- Pass
- Patricia Bayonne-Johnson
- Patrick Barnes
- Patrick Healy
- Patrick Mahoney
- Payroll
- Peg
- Pendal
- Peter
- Peter Carlisle
- Peter Havermans
- Peter Kenney
- Peter Verhaegen
- Philip Barton Key
- Philip Bussard
- Phillis
- Philodemic Society
- Plantation
- Plantations
- Podcast
- Podcasts
- Polly
- Port Tobacco
- Present
- Pria
- Prince George's County
- Priscilla
- Prison
- Proslavery
- provisions
- Purchase
- Queen family
- Rachel
- Rebecca
- Rebecca Forrest
- Reconciliation
- Regis
- religion
- Reparations
- Robert Molyneaux
- Robert Molyneux
- Rochell Sanders Prater
- Rosters
- Runaway
- Runaway Ad
- Runaway slaves
- Runaways
- Sacramental registers
- Sacraments
- Saint Lucia
- Sale
- Sale of 1838
- Sam
- Samuel Eccleston
- Sandra Green Thomas
- Sarah
- Sarah Brook
- Schools
- Self-purchase
- Ship manifest
- Shoes
- Simon
- slave births
- Slave children
- Slave clothing
- Slave deaths
- Slave families
- Slave Family
- Slave hire
- Slave hiring
- Slave hiring; Georgetown College; Aaron; Bladen Forrest
- Slave inventory
- Slave labor
- Slave life
- Slave Marriage
- Slave purchase
- Slave quarters
- Slave Religion
- Slave sale
- Slave Sales
- Slave trade
- Slave Women
- Slavery
- Slavery and Religion
- Slavery; Father Neale; Shoes
- Slaves
- slaves sales
- Society of Jesus
- Spalding
- St Inigoes
- St Thomas Manor
- St. Inigo's
- St. Inigoes
- St. Joseph
- St. Mary's County
- St. Thomas
- St. Thomas Manor
- Stephen
- Stephen Dubuisson
- Stephen H. Gough
- Student accounts
- Student fees
- Student projects
- Students
- Sugar
- Sukey
- Susanna Becraft
- Susanna Queen
- Sylvester Boarman
- Tax lists
- Tempey
- Term slaves
- The Margaret
- Theodore Augustin
- Thomas Brown
- Thomas Hyde
- Thomas Lee
- Thomas M. Jenkins
- Thomas Mulledy
- Tom
- transactions
- Transportation
- Trinity Church
- Vespre
- Video
- Wages
- Walking Tour
- War of 1812
- Wash house
- Washington Barrow
- Wat
- West Oak
- West Oak Plantation
- Whipping
- whiskey
- White Marsh
- Whitney Plantation
- Will
- Will Erkead
- William Castle
- William Craik
- William Digges
- William Feiner
- William Gaston
- William Harris
- William Johnson
- William McSherry
- William Nevitt
- William Pasquet
- William Patrick
- Windmill
- winter
- women
- Woodstock College
- Yarrow Mamout
- Zealam