In June 1839, a little more than six months after the transport of Maryland Province slaves to Louisiana, the clerk of the levy court of St. Mary's County deducted the Newtown slave community from James A. Neill's tax burden. According to the 1840…
This item aggregates 24 years of tax assessments over a 43-year period into a single document. It shows how the slave population at Newtown evolved over time.
The transcription provided faithfully reproduces relevant entries from ledger pages and…
This item includes four slave tax assessments from 1804, 1813, 1821, and 1831. They list the names, ages, and scattered physical or health descriptions of the men, women, and children at the Jesuits' Newtown plantation in the early nineteenth…
This list of enslaved people at St. Inigoes was prepared for purposes of tax assessment in 1813. It lists the names, ages, and scattered physical or health descriptions of the men, women, and children at the Jesuits' St. Inigoes plantation in the…
This list of enslaved people at St. Inigoes was prepared for purposes of tax assessment in 1804. It lists the names, ages, and scattered physical or health descriptions of the men, women, and children at the Jesuits' St. Inigoes plantation in the…
This item aggregates 25 years of tax assessments over a 46-year period into a single document. It shows how the slave population at St. Inigoes evolved over time.
The transcription provided faithfully reproduces relevant entries from ledger pages…
This is a list of the 67 slaves that Rev. Aloysius Mudd paid taxes on at White Marsh in 1833. The document provides names and values, but not ages. Many of the individuals identified here appear on 1838 bill of sale.
In June 1839, a little more than six months after the transport of Maryland Province slaves to Louisiana, an agent for Rev. Peter Havermans, SJ named Thomas Morgan swore in an affidavit that all the Newtown slaves had been sold out of St. Mary's…
In June 1839, a little more than six months after the transport of Maryland Province slaves to Louisiana, the clerk of the levy court of St. Mary's County deducted the St. Inigoes slave community from Joseph Carbery's tax burden. A handful of the St.…