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Bishop Leonard Neale -the future Archbishop of Baltimore- hired out for one year two slaves, Stashy and Jenny. On March 2, 1812, Georgetown College credited the Bishop for their labor in its account books.

In a letter from 1805, Leonard Neale, President of Georgetown College, writes to his brother Rev. F. Neale and shares that Spalding has run away, presumably from the College.
The letter also mentions two other people who were possibly enslaved: "In…

Bill of sale for Wat 1802.pdf
Bill of sale for a man named Wat, sold by Charles Boarman to Rev. Leonard Neale, president of Georgetown College, for $400. Wat was then sold to St. Inigoes for $500. The 1838 "census" of enslaved people on the Jesuit plantations in Maryland lists a…
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