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On May 4, 1818 Benedict Fenwick, a former President of Georgetown University recorded in the city of Washington the manumission of an enslaved woman named Jane Smith.

The document describes Smith as "formerly of Virginia," and "between five and…

MPA Addenda b77 Letter Book 1-10_12_1841-BrookeJon p281-2.pdf
In response to an inquiry on the state of the White Marsh Plantation, the Procurator of the Maryland Province informs the Assessors for Prince George's Co. that the property that remains in their estate includes "four old slave servants, 1 man & 3…

In this account from 1792, Dr. Charles Worthington -Georgetown College's on call physician- was credited for the medical visits and treatment he gave to three enslaved persons at the College: Sukey, Byrne, and "the boy Ja's"- probably James.
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