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An ArcGIS StoryMap of Chatham Plantation in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. Dozens of members of the Maryland Jesuit enslaved community were sold by the Maryland Jesuits to Henry Johnson, the original owner of Chatham, and many ended up living at this…

This annotation made by Joseph Zwinge, S.J. registers the final payment received by the Jesuits of Maryland for the sale of 272 persons in 1838.J.R. Thompson paid $11,918.64 plus a 6% interest and a premium for late payment that amounted to $908.90.…

In this letter from April, 1852, John R. Thompson -the new owner of 140 enslaved persons sold by Jesuits of Maryland in 1838- thanks Rev. Charles Stonestreet, the Jesuit provincial in Maryland, for allowing him to delay the payment of his debts.…

RFOFB-R30-F161 Chatham Plantation Final Pay Roll 1865.pdf
This document from the Freedmen's Bureau is a record of the wages paid to the freed people on John R. Thompson's Chatham Plantation in Ascension Parish in 1865. The freed people included former enslaved people of the Maryland Jesuits who had been…

RFOFB-R40-F554 Chatham Plantation Agreement with Freedmen 1865.pdf
This document records an agreement between John R. Thompson, the owner of Chatham Plantation, and the freedmen on the plantation, including people who had been sold to Henry Johnson (the former owner of Chatham) by the Maryland Jesuits in 1838, and…

Johnson to Key 1844.pdf
After being sold to Henry Johnson in 1838 by the Maryland Jesuits, part of the enslaved community were sold again by Johnson, who ran into financial difficulty. Johnson sold a half share of his property to Philip Barton Key in 1844, who then…

Chatham plantation from Norman's Chart.jpg
"Norman's chart of the lower Mississippi River," published in 1858, is a remarkable map of all the plantations along the Mississippi River from Natchez to New Orleans. Included on this map is John R. Thompson's Chatham Plantation in Ascension Parish…

West Oak plantation in Champomier 1860-61.jpg
P.A. Champomier published an annual record of the sugar crop in Louisiana. This edition, for 1860-1861, lists the two plantations to which the Maryland Jesuit's enslaved community were sold in 1838, West Oak and Chatham. By 1861, Jesse Batey's West…
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