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On February 2, 1832, the Jesuits at Bohemia plantation sold Phillis, a 54-year old woman and Mary, a 9 year-old child for $80.50. They were sold to William and Joseph Cradock, a pair of tenants from the plantation.At a meeting in 1833, the Jesuits…

This undated census from the late eighteenth century records the names of enslaved children "unable to work," as well as the names of superannuated slaves. The document divides the names by family groups. These are recorded along with an inventory…

This ledger entry from Bohemia, a Jesuit farm in Cecil County, Maryland, records payments to hired slaves and free people of color during the harvest season. It includes a payment for the work of two children whose mother was named as "free Nelly."

In 1793, the ledger of Bohemia plantation in Cecil County, Maryland registers the sale of an enslaved woman named Mary and her children for £40. A year prior to this transaction, the priests at Bohemia had purchased Mary and her family for £35.

In 1792, the ledger of Bohemia plantation in Cecil County, Maryland registers the purchase of an enslaved woman named Mary and her children, Hannah and Isaac, from Samuel and John Fulton for £35.

Negro children baptized at Newtown MPA Box 26-1 Folder 2.pdf
A list of children born into slavery and baptized at Newtown from 1806 to 1835. Many of these children were sold in 1838 and appear in various sale documents. This baptismal record indicates their parents.For example, the record lists several…
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