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MPA Addenda Box 1 Day Book 190D p29.pdf
This 1835 entry from the Maryland Province Cashbook documents the sale of four enslaved women at St. Thomas Manor. This group of women were sold by the Jesuits for $1300.00.

MPA Addenda b77 Letter Book 1 p194.pdf
After the sale of 1838, Dr. Jesse Batey requested an indemnification for three enslaved persons: an enslaved woman, and two infirm enslaved men. This letter from Fr. Vespre to Fr. McElroy recounts Dr. Batey's claim and the position of the Jesuits on…

MPA Addenda b77 Letter Book 2 p20.pdf
In this letter written six years after the sale of 1838, Fr. Vespre notifies Fr. Mulledy that their agent in New Orleans, Edmund Forstall, had negotiated a new payment arrangement with Gov. Johnson for the money due to the Jesuits from the sale of…

This deed of gift between William Hunter and Thomas Jameson finalized the sale of goods and items from "Brittons Neck," an early Jesuit plantation on the land that became Newtown Plantation. The transaction named 15 enslaved persons who were sold…

In this letter from 1816, Bishop Neale explains the rules governing Catholic marriages between enslaved persons. Priests had to get permission from the slaves' owners and the owners had to promise not to separate husbands and wives.

Fr. Lucas…

This remarkable letter from 1820 narrates the case of Becca, an enslaved woman who approached Fr. John Baptist Cary at Georgetown College after fleeing from her owner, a man who is described in the letter as "very hard & has no religion at all."…

Alex Scott grave marker IHM Cemetery 2019-03-09.jpg
The grave marker of Alex Scott in Immaculate Heart of Mary Cemetery in Maringouin, Louisiana. Alex or Alexius Scott was born in Newtown in 1825 to Bennett and Clare Scott, sold by the Jesuits to Jesse Batey in 1838 along with the other members of the…

ARSI Maryl.-1005-II_0171 Vespre notes.pdf
Rev. Francis Vespre, SJ records twenty distinct conditions placed on the sale of the people owned by the Jesuits. Conditions 1-8 have to do with the religious and family life of the people who are to be sold, and conditions 9-20 have to do with the…

Maryl.-1003-IV_0343 Mulledy to Roothaan 1830-01-07.pdf
In a letter to the new Jesuit Superior General Jan Roothaan, Rev. Thomas Mulledy SJ assesses the state of Georgetown College and poses a set of challenging questions regarding the Jesuits' slaveholding in Maryland. He asks whether the Jesuits' slave…

MPAPCRCC1813-1814 2.pdf
In these three meetings held at Georgetown College on May and September of 1813, and June of 1814 the members of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen discussed and resolved to "dispose for a limited time of the greatest parts of the blacks on…
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