This account from 1850 records the hire of Salvadore, an enslaved man owned by Dr. Bohrer. Salvadore worked in Georgetown's student dormitories and his owner received ten dollars per month for his labor.
In 1843, Georgetown College hired Frank Butler, an enslaved man owned by Doctor N.W. Worthington. The following letter from 1846 records the treasurer's authorization to give Frank "the highest hire we give to our hired servants, of much more…
In a letter from 1805, Leonard Neale, President of Georgetown College, wrote to his brother Rev. F. Neale that Spalding had ran away. The following entries from the College Cashbook register payments for "going after A. Spalding," and paying…
For several years in the early nineteenth century the College took an annual census of the campus population. In addition to priests, brothers, boarders, and scholastics, these rosters include the names of the College's servants and slaves.
On March 1833, Georgetown College sold Gabe. Georgetown received $450 for Gabe and payed Edward M. Millard a commission of $22.50 for arranging the sale.Gabe may have been the same person who had previously been at the Washington Seminary.
In 1844, Henry Johnson renegotiated the terms of his payments to Thomas Mulledy SJ for the people he purchased in 1838. Johnson had missed a payment "owing to the difficulties of the times," and he needed more time to pay off his debt. This document…
After being sold to Henry Johnson in 1838 by the Maryland Jesuits, part of the enslaved community were sold again by Johnson, who ran into financial difficulty. Johnson sold a half share of his property to Philip Barton Key in 1844, who then…
This is the account of Benedict Johnson, here called "Ben. Johnson (col'd) Mrs. Foxhalls man." Johnson was hired by the college for a rate of $10 per month in 1842. In 1843, when Johnson began working at the college again, it was at the rate of $8.50…
This account records payment of wages for the hire of a woman named Hariot (or possibly Harriet) Edelin from Margaret Fenwick from 1824-1826 to work at the wash house.