This is the original list of people from the Jesuit plantations compiled in preparation for the sale in 1838. It lists the slaves by name according to plantation where they lived, identifies family groups, and records which ship (1, 2, or 3) they…
This item includes four slave tax assessments from 1804, 1813, 1821, and 1831. They list the names, ages, and scattered physical or health descriptions of the men, women, and children at the Jesuits' Newtown plantation in the early nineteenth…
This certificate of mortgage for 56 persons between Henry Johnson and Thomas Mulledy was one of the financial instruments used in the Jesuits' sale of 272 persons in 1838. Johnson and Mulledy registered this certificate after these 56 persons were…
This ledger entry from Bohemia, a Jesuit farm in Cecil County, Maryland, records payments to hired slaves and free people of color during the harvest season. It includes a payment for the work of two children whose mother was named as "free Nelly."
The following entries from the ledger of Bohemia plantation in Cecil County, Maryland registered the births and baptisms of enslaved persons along with transactions for corn, wheat, and wine. These entries provide names for godparents, payments for…
This page from the Newtown daybook records the birth of 32 slaves at Newtown from 1752 to 1770. The 11 names marked with an X identify people who were presumably sold to "Widow [?]."
A list of children born into slavery and baptized at Newtown from 1806 to 1835. Many of these children were sold in 1838 and appear in various sale documents. This baptismal record indicates their parents.For example, the record lists several…
A record of children born into slavery at Port Tobacco from the 1750s to the 1770s. The record is one of the earliest in the Maryland Province Archives to reveal the names and family relationships of enslaved people. Of particular note are the…