In this meeting from 1795, the Corporation found it necessary to inform to the President of Baltimore Seminary that the profits they would receive from the Bohemia Plantation did not include "money arriving from the sale of negroes."
New York Times reporters Rachel Swarns and Sona Patel profile several descendants of people sold by Georgetown President Thomas Mulledy SJ in 1838. Those featured in the article are Charles Hill, Sandra Green Thomas, Orlando Ward, and Rochell Sanders…
New York TImes article by Rachel Swarns on the search for descendants of the people sold by Georgetown President Thomas Mulledy in 1838. This article highlights Maxine Crump, a great-great-grandaughter of Cornelius Hawkins.
In this letter to Fr. Francis Neale, Fr. Brooke describes how a disease outbreak among the enslaved population left his plans for the Newtown mission in disarray.
In this letter from Fr. Fidel Grivel to Fr. Charles Lancaster dated May 30, 1840, Grivel includes a brief report on the condition of the people who were sold to Louisiana. He noted that Henry Johnson said he would build a chapel for "our people" and…
In this letter to another Jesuit priest in January 1836, Fr. Beschter describes the whipping of a cook at St. Inigoes because she witnessed the self-flagellation of Fr. Bolton, an older Jesuit at the Mission.
McSherry writes to the Father General in Rome that other opinions must be sought before the enslaved are sold. He argues against keeping them and suggests sending them to Louisiana instead. McSherry also accuses Fr. Dubuisson of falsely reporting…
In a letter to the Father General, Vespre explains the rental and management of the former plantation lands. He suggests ways for streamlining their oversight. He also expresses doubt that the Jesuits will ever receive the full proceeds from the…
Carlos Scott is a GU 272 direct descendant of Isaac Hawkins. Carlos grew up in Maringouin, Louisiana, but now resides in Bowie, Maryland. He is a singer and songwriter. Carlos writes songs that pay tribute to his "ancestors" and to all who were…
In a letter from Bishop Carroll to Rev. Molyneaux dated December 29, 1805, Carroll berates the current president of the College for his claims of owning the people enslaved at Bohemia.
In 1801, the Proceedings of the Corporation resolved that…