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Fevrier A.pdf
Between 1798 and 1800, the Fevrier family—formerly of Saint Lucia—hired out several slaves to the College to cover the expenses of John and Francis (Jean and Francois).

In 1798, a woman from Saint-Domingue named Justane Douat maintained an account with Georgetown College. She worked for the College as a nurse while simultaneously hiring out at least two unnamed slaves. Douat's unnamed slave woman took ill and passed…

Francis Neale.pdf
A boarder named Francis Neale entered the College in March 1800. Several months later, the Neale family rented out two slaves to Georgetown, Stephen and Tempey (this is a best guess on her name). Both appear to have run away shortly thereafter, as…

Mrs. McDermott.pdf
On July 15, 1800, the College debited Mrs. McDermott's account "To 3 days hire of. Zealeam [unclear] a 5/15/." Zealeam belonged to the Fevrier family, who had hired him out to the College two years prior.

John Llewellin.pdf
On March 14, 1801, a boarder named John Llewellin sold an enslaved person named George to Georgetown College for £67.10s. At the time, a year of board and expenses cost £50.

Thomas Hyde.pdf
In 1801, a boarder named John Llewellin sold George to the College. Two years later, the College hired out George to a cobbler named Thomas Hyde for twenty months.

On October 18, 1808, Rev. Francis Neale repaid a $50 loan to the College used to purchase an enslaved person named Len.

Bishop Leonard Neale -the future Archbishop of Baltimore- hired out for one year two slaves, Stashy and Jenny. On March 2, 1812, Georgetown College credited the Bishop for their labor in its account books.

Georgetown College hired out Billy to Mr. Holmead from January 14th, 1815 to Christmas, for $45. In that period he would be furnished with two suits and taken care of when sick. Billy was owned by a Mrs. Lancaster.

In 1804, Phil, an enslaved man hired by Georgetown College, died after 4 months of labor. On August 1, 1804, the College charged his owner Miss Nancy Fenwick $12 dollars for his coffin and burial plot and $2 for digging his grave.

The account…
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