Georgetown College hired out Billy to Mr. Holmead from January 14th, 1815 to Christmas, for $45. In that period he would be furnished with two suits and taken care of when sick. Billy was owned by a Mrs. Lancaster.
In 1801, a boarder named John Llewellin sold George to the College. Two years later, the College hired out George to a cobbler named Thomas Hyde for twenty months.
On May 1,1796, Georgetown hired the time of an enslaved woman named Milly belonging to one Judge Craik—most likely William Craik of Port Tobacco, Maryland. While serving the College, Milly was to be "found in common clothes." When Milly absented…
Between 1798 and 1800, the Fevrier family—formerly of Saint Lucia—hired out several slaves to the College to cover the expenses of John and Francis (Jean and Francois).
In November 1859, Georgetown College hired an enslaved man named Aaron Edmonson to work in the dormitories as a domestic servant. Edmonson belonged to a local Catholic woman named Ann Forrest Green, who had inherited him from her mother, Rebecca…
Between 1792 and 1795, Ignatius Smith hired out "his man Nat" to Georgetown College to offset the costs of educating his two sons. Nat earned fifteen pounds a year for the Smith family.
"Nat Negro" appears in the index of this ledger. His name is…
In October 1827, Margaret Fenwick hired out Gabe, a "black boy from the Seminary of Washington" (what is now Gonzaga College High School), to Georgetown College. She had previously been hiring out an enslaved person named Hillary to the College.
This short film was produced by Georgetown College students Jeanne Bowers, Charlotte Jackson, Keeho Kang, and Megan Shapiro in FMST-399: Social Justice Documentary, taught by Professor Bernard Cook in the Spring 2019 semester. The short film examines…
Records of the slave ship Margaret out of London, which transported more than 100 captive Africans from Bunce Island to Annapolis in 1718. (Click here for a map of these key locations.)The vessel was owned by Samuel Bonham of London, and captained by…