Browse Items (458 total)

A letter from Thomas Brown, a slave at St. Louis University, complaining of the mistreatment. of himself and his wife Molly in 1833. He offers to purchase their freedom for $100, which is "as much as our old Bones are worth."

A financial statement for Georgetown College in July 1841, indicating at $25,000 loan from Fr. Thomas Mulledy, S.J. "to pay off the College debt" (middle of p, 2).

On the back of the statement is a list of people present on campus. It includes…

GTM119b61f09i01 Neale to Dzierozynski 1826-01-13.compressed.pdf
In this letter, Fr. Francis Neale, SJ reports that he must sell an enslaved man at St. Thomas Manor to the owner of the man's wife, who was planning to sell her and her three children. This letter demonstrates the complex family lives of people…

Henry Johnson reports to Rev. McSherry SJ that the enslaved people transported to Louisiana were "healthy and well pleased with their situation." Compare withGSA88:"A cruel overseer": Letter from Fr. Grivel to Fr. Lancaster, May 30, 1840

In February 1838, Fr. Grivel wrote a letter to Fr. Lancaster to update him of Province matters, including the aftermath of the 1838 sale and the purchase of Peter by Gov. Johnson. In a previous letter, Grivel informed Lancaster of their intentions to…

Jess was bought by the Jesuits in 1796 for 70£ on a 10 month credit. His previous owner was Walter Speak.

MPAPCRCC1813-1814 2.pdf
In these three meetings held at Georgetown College on May and September of 1813, and June of 1814 the members of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen discussed and resolved to "dispose for a limited time of the greatest parts of the blacks on…

GTM119b24f01 Proceedings 1820-08-22.pdf
At a meeting held at St. Thomas' Manor in 1820, the members of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergy decided "upon mature reflection," to repeal their 1814 decision to "dispose of... the greatest part of the blacks on the different plantations."…

In this meeting from 1814, the Corporation agreed to sell Jem and his family to settle the claims of William Pasquet, a secular clergyman who had managed the Deer Creek mission.

Since 1804, the priests of the Corporation had been selling enslaved…

At a meeting held at Georgetown College in 1811, the members of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergy decided to grant to Fr. Joseph Eden the profits from the sale of three enslaved persons: a girl sold by the Rev. Beeston, and two black boys sold…


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