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To %22free colored man%22 .pdf
On May 21st, 1827 a payment was made to an unnamed free African American man to help him buy his wife who was going to be sold to Georgia. The entry above records a payment to "Charly's wife, a black woman, for clothes."

Whiskey for Servants.pdf
The following entry in the Day Book of Georgetown College records a payment of $10.85 for "whiskey for servants" made in June 1846. Another similar payment was made in this book in August of the same year.

On October 18, 1808, Rev. Francis Neale repaid a $50 loan to the College used to purchase an enslaved person named Len.

McElroy Journal 1814-07-05 A negro woman.jpg
Fr. Miguel leaves an unnamed "Negro Woman" at the College in July 1814.

GTM50b1f5 Feiner Letter Book 1827-07-05 Pass for Stephen.pdf
On July 5, 1827, William Feiner, SJ, acting as President of Georgetown College, wrote a pass for Stephen, an enslaved man, allowing him to go to St. Thomas' Manor.

After providing for his safe passage, Rev, Feiner, SJ, gave Stephen a letter for…

father neale servant.pdf
This cash book entry from Georgetown College records a payment of $5 for "Fr Neales servants." Fr. Francis Neale was the manager of St. Thomas' Manor, one of the Jesuit missions.

This college cash book records a payment of $5.00 given to Mat, an enslaved person, for his wedding on August 8, 1834.

To Alms 2.pdf
This day book entry records a payment, described as "alms," of $1.50 being paid to an African American woman to buy her freedom.

These two documents from 1861 provide an account of the death and burial of Charles Taylor in the college cemetery. Taylor was an African-American man who had worked at Georgetown College for decades and appears to have been owned by the College in…

In 1798, a woman from Saint-Domingue named Justane Douat maintained an account with Georgetown College. She worked for the College as a nurse while simultaneously hiring out at least two unnamed slaves. Douat's unnamed slave woman took ill and passed…
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