St. Inigoes tax assessment, 1804
Dublin Core
This document also inventories the personal property kept at the plantation, providing a sense of the material conditions of the farm.
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A List of the personal property on St Inigoes Farm belonging belonging to the Romn. Cathk. Clergy of the Society of Jesus.
A list of the all the Negroes, March 16 - 1804
1rst The Men over 45. 3dly Men from 14 to 45.
Matthew dead1810 93 Harry, Consumptive & sickly 33
Tom, blind in one Eye 67 Jack 29
Nace, hip shotten 63 Peter out of state 1810 28
Will a cripple 63 Fredrick knows some little
Charles, with a broken arm 51 of the Carpenter trade 24
5 Jim 5 22
2dly Women over 36 4thly Women from 14 to 36.
Susanna 86 Ann, dropsical 29
Cate, always sick & helpless 62 Jane out of state 1810 27
Judy 55 Sarah with an absess or
Dorothy, bedrid for life 49 1810 dead gathering in her side of
some years duration, still bad 26
Suck 5 46 Eleonor 4 17
5thly Negroes from 8 to 14. 6thly Negroes under 8
Wat 12 Nel 6
Clem 12 Rachael 6
Doll 11 Cornelius 6
Bibiana 12 Henry out state 1810 5
Bob 10 Suck 4
Sam 9 Luce 4
Moses 9 Ann 3
Ruth, a [ ] sickly Child 9 Dick 2
Bridget 8 Nace 2
Cate 10 8 Mary 1
Harry 1
Ferry 3 months old
Household Furniture
4 good Bedsteds, 3 good Beds, 2 Ditto much worn, 1 Ornabrig bed, ditto 1 pair sheets 1 old Bedsted, all ye. above Beds & bedsteds only of half size or for one person only as is also all our bed furniture which is indeed old, very scanty, and all very much worn, except 2 pairs of sheets 4 Bolsters & 5 pillows, the cases to them are grate worn out. Blankets commonly called matchcoat, moth eaten & little worth 2 small double ones of ye lowest qty in bad condition. 2 small single Country ditto pretty good. 5 flimsy old calico countery ones 2 cotton white ditto, pretty good. 7 Old carpet of ye lowest qlty 14 ½ by 12 ½ feet 1 old ditto ditto 13 by 11 ½ one old Beaufat, 2 folding walnut Tables, 1 old small maple ditto, 1 little ditto 3 by 2 feet. 3 armed wooden Chairs, 2 common wooden ditto all good. 1 old leather bottomd ditto. 1 good Desk 1 old ragged covered one without lock. 4 pairs small cast and irons, 4 pairs of Tongues and shovels, 2 pokers, 1 pair Bellows. 1 Big China bowl, 1 ditto queens ware, 1 little ditto ditto, 1 big 1 little Tumblers, 8 wine glasses, 1 Mettle Teapot 2 ditto queens ware, 5 coffee cups no saucers, 4 Tea cups 3 saucers, 3 old odd saucers, 3 old ditto very small, cups all broken. 1 Tin & 1 Copper Coffee pots, 1 good Decanter & 1 crack’d. 4 Queens ware Dishes 6 Ditto small 2 stew ditto. 13 dining ditto plates, 10 ditto pewter. 6 Breakfast ditto [illegible] Big Terene queens ware, 3 small ditto ditto, 6 soup ditto plates, 5 five Gallon Demijohns, 50 Earthen quart jugs, 30 qrt bottles 5 case Ditto. 2 new Chamber pots, 3 old ditto, 1 [illegible] ditto. 1 Convenience for ye. sick. Cattle 4 30 - 3 14 - 1 years old 16 - one mare - work Horses 12 - colts 3 [illegible] 10 Oxen. Hogs 25. Sheeps 55.
*marginalia 2 new 1 old brass, 2 old japa and tin Candlesticks, Plate 1 ½, which I had forgoten. 2 pairs of new, 2 old pairs snuffers.
A Schedule of our property on St Inigo’s Farm which I hereby certify to have been made out by me the subscriber with all possible accuracy; EE
Sylvr Boarman
St Inigo’s - March 16 - 1804
Matthew Simmons Esqre