"Bohemia affairs": Proceedings of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergy, Oct. 9, 1799

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"Bohemia affairs": Proceedings of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergy, Oct. 9, 1799


Slaves; Slave labor; Master and Servant; Jesuits--Missions; Jesuits--History--18th century


In this meeting from 1799, the Corporation approved two measures concerning their slaves in the Bohemia plantation: the loan of Jack and Peg to the Seminary at Baltimore and the sale of Kate and her two children.


Maryland Province Archives




Adam Rothman, Elsa Barraza Mendoza


Maryland Province, Society of Jesus









Text Item Type Metadata


Proceedings of the Corporation of the R. Catholic Clergy met at S. Thomas’s Manor, Oct. 9th 1799. Present Revd Messs J. Walton, R. Molyneaux, J. Ashton, Ch’ Sewall & Leond Neale.  

            Whereas doubts have risen in what manner these trustees shall be qualified, previous to their entering and office, it was agreed by the members present, that in future, the senior trustee shall administer to the other trustees, the oath required by the 24th article of the regulations made at the first meeting of the Clergy and that the next senior trustee shall administer the said oath herein.

Form of the Oath

J. N. N. make oath on the holy Evangels of Alm. God, that during my continuance in Office of ex Trustee to the Body Corporate of the R. Cath. Clergy, I will truly and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me, according to the true intent and meaning of the regulations adopted or to be adopted by the ministers of the Rom. Cath. Church, for the management of their estates and temporalities.

            The above mentioned Trustees, being duly qualified proceed to business. 

Bohemia Affairs

            Resolved. 1°that the use of the two negroes, Jack and Peg, belonging to the estate of Bohemia and now in the service of the gentlemen of the Seminary at Baltimore, be granted to them, as long as they retain said negroes in the Seminary.

            2° That the gentlemen of the Seminary shall be allowed as many bushels of wheat as they had sowed on the farm, when they rented it to James O’Donald, and also the usual compensation for putting in said wheat.

            3° That all expenses incurred on the rented part of Bohemia since the first day of Janry 1799, from which time the Corporation is to receive the profits of said estate, shall be defrayed by said Corporation.

            4° That, on a final settlement of the affairs of Bohemia with the Seminary, a mutual discharge shall be given by the Corporation and Seminary respecting all past transactions.

            5° That, in the recess of the Corporation, the agent be empowered to give said discharge in behalf of the Corporation.

            6° That the Rev. M. Beeston be appointed to superintend

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the affairs of Bohemia, to receive the rents of the Corporation, and to point out a decent support for the clergyman, who is to serve the congregations annexed to Bohemia.

            7° That the Rev. Mr. Beeston be authorized to sell Kate and her two children, now belonging to the Bohemia estate.

Resolved That two hundred dollars be granted to the Revd Mr. De Barth to enable him to pay expenses and ground rent due from the house of Lancaster.  

Estate in Delaware

The representatives at their last meeting, having taken into their consideration the affairs of the farms in Mill Grienke Hundred in the State of Delaware, and given it as their opinion, that said farm had best be sold, reserving the Chapel and burying ground, and that with the money arising from the Sale, the debts of said farm be paid and a house and lot in new West Chester be purchased, to accommodate the Priest, who shall serve that and the neighbouring Congregations, and the residue funded for his support, the Corporation concur in opinion with them, that the said be done.

            The Corporation funding that the select body, present number of the select body of the Clergy amounts to twenty four, agree that the Rev Messrs Notley Young, John Dubois, and John Mondesure, be admitted into the same body. The Corporation proceeded to the choice of Director of the College to enter on their office on the first day of next September 1800 and unanimously elected the Revd Messrs John Ashton, Francis Neale, Francis Beeston, Robt Plunkett, and John Mondesur.

The Corporation having consider Mr. Cookes answer to the case stated by the Bishop relative to some estates of the Clergy in Pennsylvania Resolve.

Resolve. That the Bishop be requested to apply to Mr. Cooke or any other attorney for obtaining an incorporating act from the State of Pennsylvania to secure said estates to the corporate Body in Maryland.

Resolved that the 4th article of the last meeting of the Trustees at Newtown be erased.

Resolved, that the agent shall pay for the printing of Directoriums for the Clergy of this Diocese.

          A copy                                                                                                               Signed     

Jas Walton
Robt Molyneaux
John Ashton
Charles Sewall
Leond Neale


Original Format




Maryland Province Archives, “"Bohemia affairs": Proceedings of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergy, Oct. 9, 1799,” Georgetown Slavery Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://slaveryarchive.georgetown.edu/items/show/166.
