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Transfers 56 named persons from Thomas Mulledy to Henry Johnson for $27,057.

Slave marriage 1795.jpg
This 1795 entry records the marriage of an enslaved woman named Phillis to a man named David Thomas in the Georgetown College chapel.

This was the first marriage celebrated in Holy Trinity Church.

Bill of sale from the heirs of Jesse Batey to Washington Barrow.pdf
The heirs of Jesse Batey sold a plantation and slaves, including many of the Maryland Jesuit slaves, in January 1853. This is a copy of the bill of sale, which was included as evidence in an 1866 court case in Louisiana, Samuel Batey et al. v. Widow…

Slaves sold by Thomas Mulledy in 1838.pdf
List of men, women, and children sold by Thomas Mulledy in 1838, with name, sex, age, family relationship, and plantation affiliation. This list was compiled from GSA63.

This brochure was published by the Working Group on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation in 2015 to summarize the basic facts about Georgetown's historical relationship to slavery.

Van de Velde laments that the religious instruction of the slaves sold to Henry Johnson has been neglected and urges Rev. Mulledy to provide funds to build a chapel for them.

NO-128-IN-34-02-046 F.pdf
A list of the slaves transported from Alexandria to New Orleans on the Katherine Jackson in November and December, 1838. Many of the men, women, and children listed on this manifest were sold by Thomas Mulledy to Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson. They…

In June 1838, Fr. Thomas Mulledy agreed to sell 272 men, women, and children to Henry Johnson and Jesse Beatty of Louisiana. The articles of agreement identify the people by name and set out the terms of the sale.
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