Articles of agreement between Thomas F. Mulledy, of Georgetown, District of Columbia, of one part, and Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, of the State of Louisiana, of the other part. 19th June 1838
Dublin Core
Articles of agreement between Thomas F. Mulledy, of Georgetown, District of Columbia, of one part, and Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, of the State of Louisiana, of the other part. 19th June 1838
Slave trade-domestic; Slavery and the Catholic Church; Slavery; Jesuits-History-19th century; Louisiana
In June 1838, Fr. Thomas Mulledy agreed to sell 272 men, women, and children to Henry Johnson and Jesse Beatty of Louisiana. The articles of agreement identify the people by name and set out the terms of the sale.
Maryland Province Archives
This material has been re-digitized by Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University Library, accessible at: Slavery, Payment Bond and Articles of Agreement Related to 1838 Sale, 1838, Box 62, Folder 3, Identifier 119_40_10, Georgetown University Manuscripts, Archives of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, 2. Records of the Procurator, 1633-1968, 2.1 Subject Files, 1633 - 1968, Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University
Georgetown Slavery Archive
Adam Rothman
Maryland Province Archives, Society of Jesus
Text Item Type Metadata
19th June
-------- Articles of agreement between Thomas F. Mulledy, of George Town, District of Columbia, of one part, and Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, of the State of Louisiana, of the other part.
Thomas F. Mulledy sells to Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson two hundred and seventy two negroes, to wit: - Isaac, a man sixty five years of age, Charles, his eldest son, forty years of age, Nelly his daughter, thirty eight years of age, Henny, a girl thirteen years of age, Cecilia, a girl eight years of age, Ruthy, a girl six years of age, Patrick a man thirty five years of age, Letty, his wife, thirty years of age, Cornelius, thirteen years of age, Francis, a boy twelve years of age, Susan, a girl ten, Gabriel, a boy eight, Peter a boy five, Jackson a boy three, Elizabeth, a child one, James a man twenty eight, Delia a woman twenty two, Susan a girl three, George a boy one, Isaac a man twenty six, Kitty his wife, twenty eight, Austin a boy six, Isaac a boy four, Elias a boy about one and a half, Sally a woman sixty five, Ned a man forty five, Rachel a woman forty three, Simon their son twenty, Anderson a boy eighteen, Louisa a girl fourteen, Ned a boy ten, Billy a man forty, Nelly a woman thirty eight, John a boy five, John a man thirty Nancy a woman twenty four, Patrick a boy three, Charles a man forty five, Sally a woman forty four, Nancy a woman seventeen, Margaret a girl fifteen, David a boy fourteen, Eliza a girl twelve, Martha a girl five, Thomas a boy five, Sarah Anne a child one, Nelly a woman sixty
Joseph a man forty, Nell a girl sixteen, Kitty a woman twenty two, Mary a girl six, Sam a boy four, Elizabeth a child one, Polly a woman sixty, Sally a woman fifty, William a man twenty one, Mary Anne a woman eighteen, Robert an idiot twelve, Henry eight, Harriett forty three Elizabeth twenty three, Isaiah a man twenty one, Mary Ellen seventeen, Nancy fifteen, Martha ten, Jemmy one, Betsy a woman thirty two, Austin her son thirteen, Adolph ten, Henrietta seven, Harriett Anne four, Richard thirty six, Nancy [Margy - crossed out] a woman thirty four, Margery sixty, Len sickly a man thirty eight Minty a woman thirty six, Nancy five Mary eighteen months, Charles sixty, James fifty, Tom forty five, Eliza twenty six, Reverdy seven, Noble five Edward three, William one Bill an idiot forty two Maria twenty six, Mary her daughter five, William six months, Charles [illegible] five, Benedict sixty five, Len Queen fifty, Sam [illegible] John Butler thirty five, John Coyles twenty one, [illegible] sixty five, Len [Enston?] fifty Daniel eighty, Nace fifty five Bernard thirty five, William eighteen, Tom sixteen, Jim twelve, Henry ten, Francis eight, Stephen lame sixty, Anne Ned Queen’s wife, two sons and a daughter, Betsy [wife?] of Sam, and her two daughters, Matilda and her three daughters, Kitty wife of George, her son + daughter Margaret + her daughter, Ginny wife of Charles, and her daughter, Crissy, her two sons + two daughters, Celestia, Henry (not married) Louisa, Teresa, Mary, - all the women except Ginny, Kitty and the last three of last mentioned are under fifty, and over twenty years of age, the children attended to are from one to seven years of age, Harry sixty five, Dina his wife sixty
Joe fifty seven, Esther his wife fifty four, Bill twenty nine, Peter fifty seven, Stephen forty-nine, Sarah his wife forty eight, Bibiana forty nine, Mary fifty nine, Betty forty six, Bennet forty five, Clair his wife fortytwo, John thirty one, Abraham twenty seven, Susan twenty six, Priscilla seven, Perry twenty six, Jarred twenty four, Rose Anne his wife, twenty four, Charlotte twenty three, Mary twenty three, Julianne twenty two, Dick twenty seven, Greenfield twenty five, James twenty one, Ferdinand nineteen, Sylvester nineteen, Christianna eighteen, Harriette seventeen, Emmeline sixteen, Elenora fifteen, Mary twelve, Susanna fourteen, Ritta thirteen, Remus a man seventeen, Milly thirteen, Lucy eleven, Sall ten, Dina eight, Esther eight, Alexis thirteen, two children of one and two years of age, Nace fifty, Nace twenty, Biby forty five, Suzy twenty one, Bridget seventeen, Caroline fourteen, Basil thirteen, Martha eleven, Anne ten, Gabe eight, Biby seven, Henry six, Thomas five, Mary three, a child eighteen months old, Henry twenty eight, Emeline ten, Amanda eight, Elizabeth seven, Billy six, Biby five, Harriett five, Robert forty three, Mary thirty eight, Abraham sixteen, Robert fourteen, James twelve, Bridget eleven, Mary Jane ten, Susan eight, Sally Anne seven, Nelly six, Charles five, a child two, Bill Cush twenty eight, Phil fifty five, Nelly his wife, fifty three, Louis ten, Gusty eight, George thirty, Joseph twenty two, Harry seventy five, Anne seventy, Harry forty, Nelly thirty eight, Gabe twenty three, Daniel twenty five, Louise twenty three, Arnold thirty eight, Anna his wife, twenty seven, Arnold seven, Louisa five, Betsy thirty eight, Barney twelve
Lucinda ten, Greenfield five, Daniel four, Watt forty five, Teresa forty two, Frank twenty, Sam fourteen, Rachel eleven, Alexander ten, Charlotte seven, Emeline six, Watt three, a child one, Dick forty, Adeline thirty two, Matt ten, Ginny seven, Catherine four, a child six months, Nelly forty five, Eliza twenty two, Regis twenty eight, Kitty fifty three, Peter thirty seven, James sixty nine, Michael thirty three, Ned thirty, Sally fifty six, Alexis thirty six, Henney twenty two, Frederick twenty, Jenny nine, her child two, Zeke thirty two, Nathan sixty four, Henny his wife, sixty, James sixty years of age, it being understood, that if there be any children on either of the places where the said slaves now reside, belonging to any of the women herein named, that they are to be included in this sale. It is understood that the said negroes are to be delivered at Alexandria in the District of Columbia, as follows. Fifty one contained in the list annexed, as soon as practicable, and all the others at such time as may be designated by the purchasers, between the 15th October & the 15th November next, with their [?] beds [?]:
Jesse Beatty & Henry JOhnson agree on their part to pay to Thomas F. Muledy for the said negroes, the sum of one hundred & fifteen thousand dollars, to wit: - Twenty five thousand dollars on the delivery of the fifty one negroes
if they shall be considered worth, agreeably to the average price of the whole, that sum, but if they should not be worth that amount agreeably to the said average, their estimated value is to be paid on their delivery, but the balance required to make up the amount of twenty five thousand dollars, shall be paid on the delivery of the other slaves in the fall. For the remaining sum of ninety thousand dollars, which J. Beatty & H. Johnson agree to pay, they are to have a credit of ten years, paying interest at the rate of six percent annually thereon; it being agreed and understood, that at the end of five years from the delivery of the said slaves at Alexandria, in the fall, as stipulated, the payments are to be made in five equal annual installments of eighteen thousand dollars each, from that time; that is, the first payment is to be made in the month of March next after the said time thus designated, and the other installments annually thereafter. It is distinctly understood , however, that the interest is to be paid from the time of the delivery of the slaves, as aforesaid, and that the first payment of interest will commence from the time of said delivery, and be calculated up to the period of
payment, and that the interest thereafter is to be annually paid to T. F. Mulledy, at George Town College, District Columbia. –
It is further agreed, that on the delivery of the slaves in the fall, they are to be divided between Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, each agreeing to place his portion on a tract or tracts of land in the State of Louisiana, of the value of one thousand dollars, and to mortgage the said tract lands, together with the said negroes, (except those first to be delivered) to secure the payment of the said sum stipulated to be paid by him for his portion of the said slaves. And it also understood, that besides the said mortgages, the said J. Beatty + H. Johnson are to give their joint + several notes, or notes drawn in favor of one and endorsed by the other, for the amount stipulated to be paid for the negroes, and to cause each to be sub-[signed?] by some responsible person as security. –
It is further stipulated, that the said negroes herein named named shall be of different ages from that affixed to their names, and their value thereby impaired, or shall be unhealthy, or in any manner unsound, a fair deduction shall be made for such difference in age, or for such defects as shall lessen their value; and if the parties shall not agree as to the amount to be deducted, the question shall be submitted submitted for decision to two arbitrators
to be chosen by the parties. It is further understood, that the fifty one negroes herein before alluded to, contained in the annexed list, are considered to be of the value of twenty five thousand dollars, and that the part of the contract relating to those to be immediately delivered, will be fulfilled when they are received, and the amount paid.
City of Washington, June 19th 1838. –
Thomas F. Mulledy
J. Batey
H. Johnson
A list of fifty one negroes referred to in the foregoing contract.
From White Marsh. –
Ned age 45 Harriett age 43
Rachel “ 43 James “ 28
Simon “ 20 Delia “ 22
Anderson “ 18 Susan “ 3
Louisa “ 14 George “ 9
Ned “ 10 From St. Inigoes
Charles “ 45 Ned age 30
Elizabeth “ 23 Fred “ 20
Isaiah “ 21 Henry “ 22
Mary Ellen “ 17 Bill Cush not mar. 28
Nancy “ 15 [crossed out]
Martha “ 12 George “ 30
Jim “ 1 Bill not mard 23
Sally “ 44 Joseph “ 22 [crossed out]
Nancy “ 17 Watt " 45
Margaret “ 15 Teresa “ 44
David “ 14 Frank “ 20
Eliza “ 12 Sam “ 14
Martha “ 5 Rachel “ 11
Sarah Anne “ 1 Alexander “ 10
Thomas “ 5 Charlotte “ 7
Emeline – age – 6 Mary Anne age – 10
Watt “ 3 Louisa “ 8
Robert “ 45 Sally “ 7
Mary “ 38 Nelly “ 6
Abraham “ 16 Charles “ 5
Robert “ 14 Child “ 2
James “ 12 ---
Bridget “ 11 51
Signed duplicates each party retaining a copy.
June 19th 1838. ---
Thomas F. Mulledy
J. Batey
H. Johnson
-------- Articles of agreement between Thomas F. Mulledy, of George Town, District of Columbia, of one part, and Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, of the State of Louisiana, of the other part.
Thomas F. Mulledy sells to Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson two hundred and seventy two negroes, to wit: - Isaac, a man sixty five years of age, Charles, his eldest son, forty years of age, Nelly his daughter, thirty eight years of age, Henny, a girl thirteen years of age, Cecilia, a girl eight years of age, Ruthy, a girl six years of age, Patrick a man thirty five years of age, Letty, his wife, thirty years of age, Cornelius, thirteen years of age, Francis, a boy twelve years of age, Susan, a girl ten, Gabriel, a boy eight, Peter a boy five, Jackson a boy three, Elizabeth, a child one, James a man twenty eight, Delia a woman twenty two, Susan a girl three, George a boy one, Isaac a man twenty six, Kitty his wife, twenty eight, Austin a boy six, Isaac a boy four, Elias a boy about one and a half, Sally a woman sixty five, Ned a man forty five, Rachel a woman forty three, Simon their son twenty, Anderson a boy eighteen, Louisa a girl fourteen, Ned a boy ten, Billy a man forty, Nelly a woman thirty eight, John a boy five, John a man thirty Nancy a woman twenty four, Patrick a boy three, Charles a man forty five, Sally a woman forty four, Nancy a woman seventeen, Margaret a girl fifteen, David a boy fourteen, Eliza a girl twelve, Martha a girl five, Thomas a boy five, Sarah Anne a child one, Nelly a woman sixty
Joseph a man forty, Nell a girl sixteen, Kitty a woman twenty two, Mary a girl six, Sam a boy four, Elizabeth a child one, Polly a woman sixty, Sally a woman fifty, William a man twenty one, Mary Anne a woman eighteen, Robert an idiot twelve, Henry eight, Harriett forty three Elizabeth twenty three, Isaiah a man twenty one, Mary Ellen seventeen, Nancy fifteen, Martha ten, Jemmy one, Betsy a woman thirty two, Austin her son thirteen, Adolph ten, Henrietta seven, Harriett Anne four, Richard thirty six, Nancy [Margy - crossed out] a woman thirty four, Margery sixty, Len sickly a man thirty eight Minty a woman thirty six, Nancy five Mary eighteen months, Charles sixty, James fifty, Tom forty five, Eliza twenty six, Reverdy seven, Noble five Edward three, William one Bill an idiot forty two Maria twenty six, Mary her daughter five, William six months, Charles [illegible] five, Benedict sixty five, Len Queen fifty, Sam [illegible] John Butler thirty five, John Coyles twenty one, [illegible] sixty five, Len [Enston?] fifty Daniel eighty, Nace fifty five Bernard thirty five, William eighteen, Tom sixteen, Jim twelve, Henry ten, Francis eight, Stephen lame sixty, Anne Ned Queen’s wife, two sons and a daughter, Betsy [wife?] of Sam, and her two daughters, Matilda and her three daughters, Kitty wife of George, her son + daughter Margaret + her daughter, Ginny wife of Charles, and her daughter, Crissy, her two sons + two daughters, Celestia, Henry (not married) Louisa, Teresa, Mary, - all the women except Ginny, Kitty and the last three of last mentioned are under fifty, and over twenty years of age, the children attended to are from one to seven years of age, Harry sixty five, Dina his wife sixty
Joe fifty seven, Esther his wife fifty four, Bill twenty nine, Peter fifty seven, Stephen forty-nine, Sarah his wife forty eight, Bibiana forty nine, Mary fifty nine, Betty forty six, Bennet forty five, Clair his wife fortytwo, John thirty one, Abraham twenty seven, Susan twenty six, Priscilla seven, Perry twenty six, Jarred twenty four, Rose Anne his wife, twenty four, Charlotte twenty three, Mary twenty three, Julianne twenty two, Dick twenty seven, Greenfield twenty five, James twenty one, Ferdinand nineteen, Sylvester nineteen, Christianna eighteen, Harriette seventeen, Emmeline sixteen, Elenora fifteen, Mary twelve, Susanna fourteen, Ritta thirteen, Remus a man seventeen, Milly thirteen, Lucy eleven, Sall ten, Dina eight, Esther eight, Alexis thirteen, two children of one and two years of age, Nace fifty, Nace twenty, Biby forty five, Suzy twenty one, Bridget seventeen, Caroline fourteen, Basil thirteen, Martha eleven, Anne ten, Gabe eight, Biby seven, Henry six, Thomas five, Mary three, a child eighteen months old, Henry twenty eight, Emeline ten, Amanda eight, Elizabeth seven, Billy six, Biby five, Harriett five, Robert forty three, Mary thirty eight, Abraham sixteen, Robert fourteen, James twelve, Bridget eleven, Mary Jane ten, Susan eight, Sally Anne seven, Nelly six, Charles five, a child two, Bill Cush twenty eight, Phil fifty five, Nelly his wife, fifty three, Louis ten, Gusty eight, George thirty, Joseph twenty two, Harry seventy five, Anne seventy, Harry forty, Nelly thirty eight, Gabe twenty three, Daniel twenty five, Louise twenty three, Arnold thirty eight, Anna his wife, twenty seven, Arnold seven, Louisa five, Betsy thirty eight, Barney twelve
Lucinda ten, Greenfield five, Daniel four, Watt forty five, Teresa forty two, Frank twenty, Sam fourteen, Rachel eleven, Alexander ten, Charlotte seven, Emeline six, Watt three, a child one, Dick forty, Adeline thirty two, Matt ten, Ginny seven, Catherine four, a child six months, Nelly forty five, Eliza twenty two, Regis twenty eight, Kitty fifty three, Peter thirty seven, James sixty nine, Michael thirty three, Ned thirty, Sally fifty six, Alexis thirty six, Henney twenty two, Frederick twenty, Jenny nine, her child two, Zeke thirty two, Nathan sixty four, Henny his wife, sixty, James sixty years of age, it being understood, that if there be any children on either of the places where the said slaves now reside, belonging to any of the women herein named, that they are to be included in this sale. It is understood that the said negroes are to be delivered at Alexandria in the District of Columbia, as follows. Fifty one contained in the list annexed, as soon as practicable, and all the others at such time as may be designated by the purchasers, between the 15th October & the 15th November next, with their [?] beds [?]:
Jesse Beatty & Henry JOhnson agree on their part to pay to Thomas F. Muledy for the said negroes, the sum of one hundred & fifteen thousand dollars, to wit: - Twenty five thousand dollars on the delivery of the fifty one negroes
if they shall be considered worth, agreeably to the average price of the whole, that sum, but if they should not be worth that amount agreeably to the said average, their estimated value is to be paid on their delivery, but the balance required to make up the amount of twenty five thousand dollars, shall be paid on the delivery of the other slaves in the fall. For the remaining sum of ninety thousand dollars, which J. Beatty & H. Johnson agree to pay, they are to have a credit of ten years, paying interest at the rate of six percent annually thereon; it being agreed and understood, that at the end of five years from the delivery of the said slaves at Alexandria, in the fall, as stipulated, the payments are to be made in five equal annual installments of eighteen thousand dollars each, from that time; that is, the first payment is to be made in the month of March next after the said time thus designated, and the other installments annually thereafter. It is distinctly understood , however, that the interest is to be paid from the time of the delivery of the slaves, as aforesaid, and that the first payment of interest will commence from the time of said delivery, and be calculated up to the period of
payment, and that the interest thereafter is to be annually paid to T. F. Mulledy, at George Town College, District Columbia. –
It is further agreed, that on the delivery of the slaves in the fall, they are to be divided between Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, each agreeing to place his portion on a tract or tracts of land in the State of Louisiana, of the value of one thousand dollars, and to mortgage the said tract lands, together with the said negroes, (except those first to be delivered) to secure the payment of the said sum stipulated to be paid by him for his portion of the said slaves. And it also understood, that besides the said mortgages, the said J. Beatty + H. Johnson are to give their joint + several notes, or notes drawn in favor of one and endorsed by the other, for the amount stipulated to be paid for the negroes, and to cause each to be sub-[signed?] by some responsible person as security. –
It is further stipulated, that the said negroes herein named named shall be of different ages from that affixed to their names, and their value thereby impaired, or shall be unhealthy, or in any manner unsound, a fair deduction shall be made for such difference in age, or for such defects as shall lessen their value; and if the parties shall not agree as to the amount to be deducted, the question shall be submitted submitted for decision to two arbitrators
to be chosen by the parties. It is further understood, that the fifty one negroes herein before alluded to, contained in the annexed list, are considered to be of the value of twenty five thousand dollars, and that the part of the contract relating to those to be immediately delivered, will be fulfilled when they are received, and the amount paid.
City of Washington, June 19th 1838. –
Thomas F. Mulledy
J. Batey
H. Johnson
A list of fifty one negroes referred to in the foregoing contract.
From White Marsh. –
Ned age 45 Harriett age 43
Rachel “ 43 James “ 28
Simon “ 20 Delia “ 22
Anderson “ 18 Susan “ 3
Louisa “ 14 George “ 9
Ned “ 10 From St. Inigoes
Charles “ 45 Ned age 30
Elizabeth “ 23 Fred “ 20
Isaiah “ 21 Henry “ 22
Mary Ellen “ 17 Bill Cush not mar. 28
Nancy “ 15 [crossed out]
Martha “ 12 George “ 30
Jim “ 1 Bill not mard 23
Sally “ 44 Joseph “ 22 [crossed out]
Nancy “ 17 Watt " 45
Margaret “ 15 Teresa “ 44
David “ 14 Frank “ 20
Eliza “ 12 Sam “ 14
Martha “ 5 Rachel “ 11
Sarah Anne “ 1 Alexander “ 10
Thomas “ 5 Charlotte “ 7
Emeline – age – 6 Mary Anne age – 10
Watt “ 3 Louisa “ 8
Robert “ 45 Sally “ 7
Mary “ 38 Nelly “ 6
Abraham “ 16 Charles “ 5
Robert “ 14 Child “ 2
James “ 12 ---
Bridget “ 11 51
Signed duplicates each party retaining a copy.
June 19th 1838. ---
Thomas F. Mulledy
J. Batey
H. Johnson
Original Format
Maryland Province Archives, “Articles of agreement between Thomas F. Mulledy, of Georgetown, District of Columbia, of one part, and Jesse Beatty and Henry Johnson, of the State of Louisiana, of the other part. 19th June 1838,” Georgetown Slavery Archive, accessed March 15, 2025,