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"Connecting Maryland's Past to Louisiana's Present: The Georgetown 272" is an oral history project conducted by the T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History at Louisiana State University. Working with Professor Jonathan Earle and Williams Center…

Article in the Baton Rouge Advocate on descendants' research into their family histories. The article focuses on Jessica Tilson.

Hoya reporter Kshithij Shrinath interviews Maxine Crump, a descendant of Cornelius Hawkins, who was sold by Georgetown President Thomas Mulledy SJ in 1838.

Hoya reporter Kshithij Shrinath interviews Patricia Bayonne-Johnson, a descendant of Nace and Biby Butler a husband and wife who were sold by Georgetown President Thomas Mulledy SJ in 1838. Ms. Bayonne-Johnson was the first person to discover her…

Johnson to Key 1844.pdf
After being sold to Henry Johnson in 1838 by the Maryland Jesuits, part of the enslaved community were sold again by Johnson, who ran into financial difficulty. Johnson sold a half share of his property to Philip Barton Key in 1844, who then…

The Curtain Goes Up is a short film produced by Georgetown College students Yasmine Bouachri, Clio Gates, Lauren Lee, Gary Simons, and Xanthia Yerby in FMST-399- Social Justice Documentary, taught by Professor Bernard Cook in the Spring 2020…

Yolonda "Coffeedreamz" Body interviews her cousin Earlene Campbell-Coleman for her Good News Feed broadcast on YouTube, July 9, 2020. Earlene Campbell-Coleman is a GU272 descendant, the great-great-great granddaughter of Frank Campbelland Mary Jane…

Washington Globe 1838-05-29 Batey advertisement cropped.jpg
Three weeks before purchasing enslaved people from the Maryland Jesuits, Jesse Batey posted this advertisement in the Washington Globe newspaper offering his plantation on Bayou Maringouin in Louisiana for sale in exchange for "negroes", or offering…
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