Browse Items (458 total)

This mortgage for 84 persons between Henry Johnson and Thomas Mulledy was one of the financial instruments used in the Jesuits' sale of 272 persons in 1838. Johnson and Mulledy registered this certificate after these 84 persons were transported from…

This mortgage for 64 persons between Jesse Batey and Thomas Mulledy was one of the financial instruments used in the Jesuits' sale of 272 persons in 1838. Batey and Mulledy registered this certificate after these 64 persons were transported from…

In this letter from 1851, Jesse Batey requests that Fr. Thomas Mulledy or one of his representatives release him from the mortgage on 64 persons and a tract of land in Maringouin. Batey agreed to this mortgage in September 1839 to finance the payment…

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Maringouin 1919.jpg
Incorporated in 1907, the town of Maringouin (pop. 1,098 in 2010) is located on the site of Jesse Batey's West Oak Plantation in Iberville Parish, Louisiana. To this day it remains home to many GU272 descendants. This Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of…

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A music video by GU272 descendant Carlos Scott, a pastor in Bowie, Maryland, who draws on the memory of his GU272 ancestors to honor of the memory of George Floyd, killed by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, 2020.

The Curtain Goes Up is a short film produced by Georgetown College students Yasmine Bouachri, Clio Gates, Lauren Lee, Gary Simons, and Xanthia Yerby in FMST-399- Social Justice Documentary, taught by Professor Bernard Cook in the Spring 2020…

On December 29, 1804, Francis Beeston, the assistant to Bishop John Carroll in Baltimore posted a runaway slave advertisement for William Castle, a twenty year-old man, in the Baltimore Telegraphe Daily Advertiser.Beeston asserted that Castle…

In 1810, the courts at Baltimore County certified the freedom of a woman named Sarah, who had previously been enslaved by the Rev. William Pasquet. Her certificate of freedom describes her as 37 years old, with a yellow complexion, and five feet 3/4…

Yolonda "Coffeedreamz" Body interviews her cousin Earlene Campbell-Coleman for her Good News Feed broadcast on YouTube, July 9, 2020. Earlene Campbell-Coleman is a GU272 descendant, the great-great-great granddaughter of Frank Campbelland Mary Jane…

Rochford 2019 Louisa Mahoney Mason.pdf
This essay traces the life of Louisa Mahoney Mason and her family. Louisa Mahoney Mason was a member of the Maryland Jesuit enslaved community; she remained in Maryland after the 1838 sale. She and her children were the last people currently known to…
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