In this section from his Treatise on Slavery, Br. Joseph Mobberly defends slavery as a lawful, reasonable, and necessary institution. This is a continuation of GSA143.
Br. Joseph Mobberly describes a remarkable episode in which Fr. John Henry, the manager of the Jesuits' Bohemia farm, sold five enslaved people to a neighbor who was involved in the slave trade to Louisiana. The slaves, whom Mobberly does not…
This drawing was composed by Joy Kang (GU SFS '24) in Professor Adam Rothman's History 099 Facing Georgetown's History class in the Spring 2021 semester. It features Georgetown's Healy Hall adorned with the names of the GU272. The trees surronding…
In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…
The unifying themes of this podcast are memorialization and reconciliation. In this podcast, Georgetown University and American Studies 272 student Kelly Skeen (GU '18) discusses how Georgetown University has memorialized its historic ties to the…
This 1848 map of Louisiana includes the location of plantations and names of their owners. Landholdings by Gov. Henry Johnson and J. Batey making up West Oak plantation in Iberville Parish are shown on the map. (See detail below.)
Chapter two of Louis Diggs, Surviving in America: Histories of 7 Black Communities in Baltimore County, Maryland (Uptown Press, 2002), includes fascinating interviews with African Americans in Granite, Maryland, including several descended from…
Testimony of Cornelius Hawkins in the 1893 case of Beatty et. al. v. Hawkins et. al. (45 La. Ann). Hawkins testifies that he had rented land to grow cotton at West Oak from Glenn Peake since 1871.
John Dominique's store was adjacent to Dr. Henry Johnson's Chatham plantation in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. It can be seen in Norman's Chart of the Lower Mississippi River from 1858, just below Chatham, then owned by John R. Thompson.Members of the…