Browse Items (458 total)

In his last will and testament from October 13, 1812, Rev. John Rosseter, of the Order of St. Augustine, left a "great coat to Old Billy" of St. Thomas's Manor. Rosseter died at the Manor in 1815.

In this letter from 1812, Fr. Mobberly writes to Fr. Grassi about the mortality rate at St. Inigos and the common illnesses among its inhabitants. It mentions the deaths of five enslaved people: Old Billy, Old Sucky, Old Mathew, Little Sucky, and…

Hoya 1961-09-28 Frosh Make College Debut.pdf
A mock "slave auction" was held by students at Georgetown University on Saturday, September 23, 1961, during John Carroll Weekend on the 100th anniversary of the Civil War. Part of festivities organized by the sophomore class to "impress the freshmen…

Yolonda "Coffeedreamz" Body interviews her cousin Earlene Campbell-Coleman for her Good News Feed broadcast on YouTube, July 9, 2020. Earlene Campbell-Coleman is a GU272 descendant, the great-great-great granddaughter of Frank Campbelland Mary Jane…

On October 18, 1808, Rev. Francis Neale repaid a $50 loan to the College used to purchase an enslaved person named Len.

McElroy Journal 1814-07-05 A negro woman.jpg
Fr. Miguel leaves an unnamed "Negro Woman" at the College in July 1814.

GTM50b1f5 Feiner Letter Book 1827-07-05 Pass for Stephen.pdf
On July 5, 1827, William Feiner, SJ, acting as President of Georgetown College, wrote a pass for Stephen, an enslaved man, allowing him to go to St. Thomas' Manor.

After providing for his safe passage, Rev, Feiner, SJ, gave Stephen a letter for…

father neale servant.pdf
This cash book entry from Georgetown College records a payment of $5 for "Fr Neales servants." Fr. Francis Neale was the manager of St. Thomas' Manor, one of the Jesuit missions.

In a meeting in March of 1797, the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen decided to pay St. Thomas Manor for an enslaved man named Alexius, a "slave in the service of the Bishop."

This cashbook entry from August 15 of the same year records an…

On July 15, 1791, the Jesuits at Bohemia plantation received more than 22£ from D. Hairs and William Nielson in partial payment for Esther.
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