"Meet the GU272: a digital exploration of georgetown's history of slavery" is a website designed by Sabrina Ma (GU '18) and Jonathan Gibson (GU'19). Meet the GU272 provides a set of preliminary digital visualizations of information about the enslaved…
A mock "slave auction" was held by students at Georgetown University on Saturday, September 23, 1961, during John Carroll Weekend on the 100th anniversary of the Civil War. Part of festivities organized by the sophomore class to "impress the freshmen…
Interview with Henrietta Pike, a descendant of Louisa Mahoney Mason, conducted on May 4, 2023 by Georgetown student Andrew Bordea (GU'26). A transcription of the interview is below.\Henrietta Pike Interview 2023-05-04 compressed.mp4
Proposal for a memorial at Georgetown University commemorating the university's history of slavery. This proposal comes from the students in Georgetown Professor Shana Klein's AMTH 354 African-American Art and Culture course in the fall 2016…
On November 5, 2021, Georgetown University Professor Carlos Simon's Requiem for the Enslaved premiered at the Library of Congress, performed by the Hub New Music ensemble with Carlos Simon, along with Marco Pavé (spoken word), Jared Bailey (trumpet),…
An interview with Georgetown Law Center student and GU272 descendant Kyla Matthews (L'25) conducted by Lady Nwadike for We Are Georgetown: Celebrating Our Black History, a project of the Georgetown University Alumni Association Black Alumni Council,…
William Gaston (1778-1844) was Georgetown's first student, enrolling in the school in 1791 before transferring to Princeton. As a congressman from North Carolina, Gaston sponsored the charter that granted Georgetown the authority to award academic…
This drawing was composed by Joy Kang (GU SFS '24) in Professor Adam Rothman's History 099 Facing Georgetown's History class in the Spring 2021 semester. It features Georgetown's Healy Hall adorned with the names of the GU272. The trees surronding…
This essay traces the life of Louisa Mahoney Mason and her family. Louisa Mahoney Mason was a member of the Maryland Jesuit enslaved community; she remained in Maryland after the 1838 sale. She and her children were the last people currently known to…
In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…