Appraisal of Jesse Batey's West Oak estate, March 3, 1851

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Appraisal of Jesse Batey's West Oak estate, March 3, 1851


African Americans--Louisiana--History--19th century.


Jesse Batey's West Oak plantation was appraised in March 1851 following his death. Along with the land, livestock, and other moveable property, the appraisal listed eighty-five people owned by Batey, recording their names and in many cases indicating their family relationships, as well as their appraised value. The enslaved people listed in this document include members of the original group of people owned by the Maryland Jesuits who were sold to Batey in 1838, and their children. The total appraised value of the people in Batey's estate was $44,300, amounting to 43% of the total value of the estate.

This document was located by Jessica Tilson and transcribed by Dami Kim,

Enslaved people listed in the appraisal of Jesse Batey’s estate, March 3, 1851. Please note that we are still reconstructing all the family relationships in the following list.
1 Nace Butler, 65 (Bebe’s husband)
2 Bebe [Biby], 60 (Nace Butler’s wife)
3 Martha, 22 (Nace and Biby's daughter)
4 Bridget, 5 (Martha's daughter)
5 Emeline, 2 (Martha's daughter)
6 Babe, 20 (Nace and Biby's daughter)
7 Gaves, 17 (Nace and Biby's son)
8 Henry, 17 (Nace and Biby's son)
9 Tom, 16 (Nace and Biby's son)
10 Mary, 15 (Nace and Biby's daughter)
11 John, 14 (Nace and Biby's son)
12 Sam [Harris], 45 (Betsy’s husband)
13 Betsy, 40 (Sam Harris’s wife)
14 Ellen, 10 (Sam and Betsy's daughter)
15 Louisa, 8 (Sam and Betsy's daughter)
16 George, 6 (Sam and Betsy's son)
17 Madison, 4 (Sam and Betsy's daughter)
18 Sam, 13 (Sam and Betsy's son)
19 William Hill, 40, carpenter (Mary Ann’s husband)
20 Mary Ann, 32 (William Hill’s wife)
21 Sarah Ann, 10 (William and Mary Ann’s daughter)
22 Polk, 8 (William and Mary Ann’s son)
23 Betsy, 4 (William and Mary Ann’s daughter)
24 Joe, 1 ( William and Mary Ann’s son)
25 Patrick [Hawkins], 55 (Letty’s husband)
26 Letty, 50 (Patrick Hawkins’s wife)
27 Isaac, 9 (Patrick and Letty’s son)
28 Frank, 20 (Patrick and Letty's son)
29 Suzan, 20 (Patrick and Letty's daughter)
30 Peter, 18 (Patrick and Letty's son)
31 Jack, 16 (Patrick and Letty's son)
32 Jim Scott, 35 (Caroline Butler's husband)
33 Carolina, 32 (Caroline Butler, Jim Scott’s wife)
34 Lidia Ann, 10 (Jim and Caroline Scott’s daughter)
35 Suzan, 8 (Jim and Caroline Scott’s daughter)
36 Clara, 6 (Jim and Caroline Scott’s daughter)
37 Louisa, 5 (Jim and Caroline Scott’s daughter)
38 Bennet, 2 (Jim and Caroline Scott’s son)
39 Robert, 9 months (Jim and Caroline Scott’s son)
40 Bazil [Butler], 30 (Christina Scott’s husband)
41 Christine, 30 (Christina Scott, Bazil Butler’s wife)
42 Agnes, 7 (Bazil and Christine’s daughter)
43 Henry, 5 (Bazil and Christine’s son)
44 Maria, 3 (Bazil and Christine’s daughter)
45 Abraham, 1 (Bazil and Christine’s son)
46 Jacob, 30 (Adeline’s husband)
47 Adeline, 25 (Jacob’s wife)
48 Joe, 4 (Jacob and Adeline’s son)
49 Margaret, 2 (Jacob and Adeline’s daughter)
50 Daniel, 6 months (Jacob and Adeline’s son)
51 Lexius [Alexius Scott], 24 (Ann Butler’s husband)
52 Ann, 22 (Ann Butler, Lexius Scott’s wife)
53 Nace, 2 (Lexius and Ann’s son)
54 Ann, “suckling infant” (Lexius and Ann’s daughter)
55 Cornelius [Hawkins], 24 (Eleanor Scott’s husband)
56 Hellen (Cornelius Hawkins’s wife, Eleanor Scott)
57 Matilda, 2 (Cornelius and Hellen’s daughter)
58 Celia, 6 months (Cornelius and Hellen’s daughter)
59 Henry, 28
60 Lenn Quinn, 62 (Ann Quinn’s husband)
61 Ann Quinn, 50 (Lenn Quinn’s wife)
62 Liza, 18 (Lenn and Ann Quinn’s daughter)
63 Milly, 2 (Liza’s daughter)
64 Clara [Scott], 60
65 Lucy Ann [Scott], 23
66 Rosa, 18
67 Kitty, 60
68 Sarah. 22 (Kitty’s daughter)
69 George, 9 months (Sarah’s son)
70 Washington, 27
71 Jane, 5 (orphan child of Washington)
72 Charles, 4 (orphan child)
73 Gerard [Plowdon], 35 (Roxan or Rose Ann Scott's husband)
74 Roxan, 37 (Rose Ann Scott, Gerard Plowdon's wife)
75 Gustin, 26 (Adelphia’s husband)
76 Adelphia, 20 (Gustin’s wife)
77 Juliane, 2 (Gustin and Adelphia’s daughter)
78 John Henry, 5 months (Gustin and Adelphia’s son)
79 Martha, 31
80 Richmond, 3 (Martha’s son)
81 Eliza, 35
82 Louis, 23
83 Bernard [Butler], 55
84 Carry, 26
85 Peter, 70


Parish of Iberville, Louisiana


Original Acts, Conveyance 2, volume 2, 153-315, December 20, 1850-September 30, 1851, Iberville Parish Clerk of Court, Plaquemine, Louisiana.


Georgetown Slavery Archive




Jessica Tilson, Dami Kim, Adam Rothman


GSA9: Bill of sale for 64 persons from Thomas Mulledy to Jesse Batey, November 10, 1838
GSA92: Advertisement for the sale of Jesse Batey's estate, including 119 "likely negroes," Daily Picayune, February 18, 1852
GSA6: Bill of sale from the heirs of Jesse Batey to Washington Barrow, January 18, 1853






Property records



Text Item Type Metadata


[Volume spine]
153-315 DEC. 20, 1850 SEPT. 30, 1951

Release of Mortgage by the attorney in fact of Ths. F. Mulledi to H. Johnson
Jp Lisbony not pub

[Page 1]
Book No. 2.
No. 192.
3th March
State of Louisiana
Parish of Iberville
Be it remembered that on this third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.
Pursuant to a commission from the Honorable the fifth Judicial District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for the parish of Terrebonne, addressed to the Recorder of the Parish of Iberville, bearing date the 31st day of January in the year aforesaid 1851. Authorising the said Recorder to take a true inventory and appraisement of all the property real and personal, rights and credits of the late Doctr Jesse Batey, deceased, and to appoint and name Experts to appraise the said property, which commission remains hereunto annexed for reference.
I Louis Petit Recorder in and for the Parish of Iberville, duly commissioned and sworn, and ex-officio Notary Public in and for and residing in the said parish, went to the plantation belonging to the said late Doctr Jesse Batey on the Bayou Maringouin in the said parish of Iberville at the distance of about thirty five miles from my office, for the purpose of making the said inventory and appraisement and then and there being I the said Recorder appointed Messrs. Isaac Erwin and William J. Bogan neighbours, and residing in the said parish, Experts to appraise the said property, and then administered to them the following oath.
You Isaac Erwin and William J. Bogan do solemnly swear that you will make a just and impartial appraisement of all the property which [shall be?] shown and designated to you and belonging to [illegible] Doctr. Jesse Batey deceased, according to the best of your judgement and understanding. So help you God.
Sworn and Subscribed to Isaac Erwin
W. J. Bogan
Before me this 3rd day of
March A.D. 1851
L. Petit Recorder

[Page 2]
Which being done, I the said Recorder ex-officio Notary in the presence of John Ker Esquire Attorney of the absent heirs of said deceased, and in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, did proceed to take down the said inventory and appraisement the said property having been shown and designated to the said appraisers by Mr. Richard G. Brown overseer residing on the said plantation, and described as follows.

Art. 1st A plantation lying and situated in the Parish of Iberville, on both sides of the Bayou Maringouin, about thirty five miles from the town of Plaquemine, composed of two tracts, one measuring forty two arpents in front on the West sides of said Bayou Maringuoin, by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands belonging to Governor Henry Johnson, and below by land belonging to the succession of Lemuel Tanner decd._ And the other tract on the East side of said Bayou, opposite the above, measuring thirty arpents front, by forty arpents more or less in depth, bounded above by lands belonging to the widow of Austin Woolfolk, and below by lands of Henry C. Thibodeaux The whole of said two tracts, supposed to contain about two thousand eight hundred superficial arpents, be the same more or less. – There being about six hundred arpents of cleared land. – The said plantation being cultivated and established as a cotton estate The whole of which was apprased by the said Experts, together with all the

[Page 3]
Building, improvements, and appurtenances thereon being, and thereunto belonging, at the sum of forty eight thousand Dollars $48.000.__

Art. 2 Nace Butler, negro man aged sixty five years appraised at three hundred Dollars 300.__
3 Bebe his wife negro woman aged about sixty years appraised at three hundred dollars – 300.__
4 Martha negro woman (daughter of Bebe) aged twenty two years, and her two children Bridget aged five years, and Emeline aged two years, appraised together at twelve hundred Dollars 1200.__
5 Babe negro woman aged twenty years appraised at eight hundred Dollars 800.__
6 Gaves, negro boy aged about seventeen years, appraised at eight hundred Dollars 800
7 Henry, negro boy aged about seventeen years, appraised at eight hundred dollars 800
8 Tom negro boy aged sixteen years appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.__
9 Mary, negro girl aged fifteen years, appraised at seven hundred dollars 700.__
10 John, negro boy aged fourteen years, appraised at seven hundred Dollars 700.__
All this last named, children of Babe.
11 Sam, a negro man aged about forty five year appraised at seven hundred Dollars 700.__
12 Betsy, negro woman aged about forty years Sam’s wife, and her five children, Ellen aged ten years Louisa aged eight years – George aged six years – Madison aged four years, appraised together at sixteen hundred dollars 1600.__
Carried forward $8,700.__

[Page 4]
Amount brought forward $8.700.__
Art 13 Sam (Betsy’s son), negro boy aged thirteen years, appraised at six hundred dollars 600.__
14 William Hill (a carpenter) negro man aged forty years, appraised at twelve hundred dollars 1200.__
15 Mary Ann (William Hill’s wife) negro woman aged about thirty two years, and her four children Sarah Ann aged ten years – Polk aged eight years – Betsy aged four years, and Joe one year appraised together at eighteen hundred dollars 1800.__
16 Patrick negro man aged about fifty five years appraised at five hundred Dollars 500.__
17 Letty his wife negro woman aged fifty years, and her child Isaac aged nine years, appraised together at nine hundred dollars 900.__
18 Frank negro man aged twenty years appraised at nine hundred Dollars 900.__
19 Suzan negro woman aged twenty years appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.
20 Peter negro boy aged eighteen years, appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.__
21 Jack negro boy aged sixteen years, appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.__
22 Jim Scott negro man aged thirty five years, appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.__
23 Caroline (John Scott’s wife negro woman aged thirty two years, and her six children Lidia anne aged ten years, Suzan aged eight years – Clara aged six years,_ Louisa aged four years – Bennet aged two years – and Robert nine months old¬ –¬ appraised together at two thousand dollars 2000.__
24 Bazil, negro man aged about thirty years appraised at one thousand Dollars 1000.__
Carried forward $20.800

[Page 5]
Amount brought forward $20.800
Art 25 Christine (Bazil’s wife) negro woman aged about thirty years, and her four children, Agnes aged seven years – Henry aged five years, Maria aged three years, and Abraham aged one year, appraised together at Sixteen hundred dollars 1600.__
26 Jacob, negro man aged thirty years, appraised at one Thousand Dollars 1000.__
27 Adeline, (Jacob’s wife) negro woman aged about twenty five years, and her three children Joe aged four years – Margaret aged two years – and Daniel, six months old, appraised together at fourteen hundred dollars 1400.__
28 Lexius, negro man aged twenty four years appraised at nine hundred dollars 900.__
29 Ann, (Lexius’ wife) negro woman aged twenty two years, and her two children Nace aged two years, and Ann a Suckling infant, appraised together at twelve hundred Dollars 1200.__
30 Cornelius, negro man aged twenty four years appraised at nine hundred Dollars 900.__
31 Hellen (Cornelius’ wife) and her two children Matilda aged two years,¬– and Celia aged six months, appraised together at nine hundred dollars 900.__
32 Henry negro man aged about twenty eight years, appraised at nine hundred Dollars 900.__
33 Lenn Quinn negro man aged about sixty two years, appraised at one hundred dollars 100.__
34 Ann Quinn aged about fifty years, appraised at four hundred Dollars 400.__
35 Liza, negro woman (Ann’s daughter) aged eighteen years, and her child Milly aged two years, appraised together at One Thousand Dollars 1000.__
Carried forward $31.100

[Page 6]
Amount brought forward $31.100
Art 36 Clara, negro woman aged about sixty years appraised at three hundred Dollars 300.__
37 Lucy Ann negro woman aged twenty three years, appraised at Seven hundred dollars 700.__
38 Rosa negro woman aged eighteen years appraised at Seven hundred dollars 700.__
39 Kitty negro woman aged about sixty years appraised at three hundred dollars 300.__
40 Sarah, (Kitty’s daughter) negro woman aged twenty two years, and her child George aged nine month, appraised at nine hundred dollars 900.__
41 Washington negro man aged twenty seven years, appraised at nine hundred Dollars 900.__
42 Jane an orphan child of Washington aged five years, appraised at two hundred & fifty dollars 250.__
43 Charles another orphan child, aged four years appraised at two hundred and fifty dollars 250.__
44 Gerard, negro man aged thirty five years appraised at twelve hundred dollars 1200.__
45 Roxan (Gerard’s wife) negro woman aged thirty seven years, appraised at three hundred dollars 300.__
46 Gustin, negro man aged twenty six years, appraised at nine hundred dollars 900.__
47 Adelphia (Gustin’s wife) negro woman aged twenty years, and her two children Juliane, aged two years, and John Henry aged five months, appraised together at fifteen hundred Dollars 1500.__
48 Martha negro woman aged thirty one years, and her child Richmond aged three years –appraised together at One Thousand Dollars 1000.__
Carried forward $40.300

[Page 6]
Amount brought forward $40.300.__
49 Eliza negro woman aged about thirty five years appraised at eight hundred & fifty dollars 850.__
50 Louis, negro man aged twenty three years, appraised at fifteen hundred dollars 1500.__
51 Bernard, negro man aged about fifty five years, appraised at four hundred and fifty dollars 450.__
52 Carry, negro man aged twenty six years, appraised at nine hundred dollars 900.__
53 Peter negro man aged about seventy years appraised at three hundred Dollars 300.__
54 Total amount of Slaves $44.300
At five o’clock P. M. I the said Recorder closed this sitting and adjourned the continuation of this inventory until to-morrow morning ten o’clock, this proceeding having been done and conducted in the presence of the attorney of the absent heirs of said deceased and in the presence of Messrs. Richard J Brown and George W. Harper competent witnesses who have hereunto signed their names with the said appraised and we the said Recorder.
R. G. Brown Isaac Erwin
G. W. Harper W. J. Bogan
John Ker
atty of absent heirs
L. Petit Recorder

On this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, I Louis Petit Recorder in and for the Parish of Iberville aforesaid, in the presence of the

[Page 6]
the above named persons, did proceed to the continuation of the inventory, of the property belong to the succession of the late Doctr. Jesse Batey, according to adjournment of yesterday, as follows: to wit:
Moveable property.
Live Stock
Art 55 Twenty seven mules and horses, appraised together at sixteen hundred and twenty dollars $1620.00
57 Ten yokes of oxen appraised at forty dollars per pair makes four hundred Dollars $400.00
58 About fifty head of horned cattle more or less, appraised at three hundred Dollars 300.00
59 Thirty two head of hogs appraised at two dollars per head make sixty four dollars 64.00
Farming utensils
60 Fifteen double ploughs appraised together at seventy five Dollars 75.00
61 Seven single ploughs, at thirty four dollars 34.00
62 One lot of harrows, old ploughs and other tools, appraised together at thirty dollars 30.00
63 Twelve old axes appraised at twelve dollars 12.00
64 One lot of old spades & shovels at six dollars 6.00
65 Five Froes – at four dollars 4.00
66 One lot of gears, hames, traces double and single trees, twenty five sets, appraised together at one hundred Dollars 100.00
67 One ox plough at Seven dollars 7.00
68 One Flock, at ten Dollars
69 About 600.00 of iron assorted, appraised at twenty seven Dollars 27.00
70 The blacksmiths tools, one belows 1 anvil one vice and tongs, at thirty dollars 30.00
Carried forward $2.719.00

[Page 7]
Amount brought forward $2.719.00
Art 71 Two [illegible] and one waggon, appraised together at one hundred and eighty dollars 180.00
72 One [illegible] of nine ox yokes 6 lead & log chains appraised together at forty dollars 40.00
73 One lot of plantation tools, at fifty dollars 50.00
74 One half of a pair timber wheels appraised at twenty five Dollars 25.00
75 One pair patent balances at fifty dollars 50.00
76 145 Cypress logs at three hundred Dollars 300.00
77 Two dozens of old hoes – at ten dollars 10.00
78 One saddle appraised at four dollars 4.00
79 Two Kegs of tar at four dollars 4.00
80 Two safes at six Dollars 6.00
81 Ten pairs sheets, 5 pairs blankets, mattresses, 6 bed spreads, 8 pillows 2 bolsters 6 pairs pillow slips, 2 pairs andirons 2 looking glasses, medicine chest, household and kitchen furniture, appraised together at one hundred and fifty Dollars 150.00
82 One hundred and thirty thousand bricks appraised at eight Dollars per 1000 – makes 1040.00
83 One hundred and twenty four bales of cotton appraised at fifty dollars per bale makes Six Thousand two hundred Dollars 6200.00
84 Total amount of moveable property $10.778.00

And the foregoing being all the property belonging to the said succession, found on the plantation of said deceased subject [for?] appraisement, and there being no papers [illegible] to the said deceased, or other articles [illegible] inventoried, I the said Recorder closed the present inventory and proceeding, the

[Page 8]
whole having been done and conducted in the presence of the said attorney of absent heirs above named.
This done and closed the day month and year last above written in presence of Messrs. Richard G. Brown and George W. Harper, competent witnesses who have signed these presents, with the said appraisers, the attorney for absent heirs and we the said Recorder, after due reading hereof. –
The whole of said property and slaves having been left in the charge and care of M. Richard G. Brown the overseer of said plantation.
Isaac Erwin
R. G. Brown W. J. Bogan
G. W. Harper John Ker
atty of absent Heirs
L. Petit Recorder

1 Amount of lands Article 1st of this Inventory $48.000 00
2 Amount of slaves Art 54 44.300.00
3 Amount of moveables Art 84. 10.778.00
Total amount of Inventory $103.078.00
L. Petit Recorder



Parish of Iberville, Louisiana, “Appraisal of Jesse Batey's West Oak estate, March 3, 1851,” Georgetown Slavery Archive, accessed February 22, 2025,
