"old Isaac... goes on, living:" Fr. Grivel to Fr. Lancaster, April 15, 1842

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"old Isaac... goes on, living:" Fr. Grivel to Fr. Lancaster, April 15, 1842


Slaves--Maryland; Slaves--Family relationships; Slave trade--United States


Four years after the sale of 1838, Fr. Grivel reports to Fr. Lancaster about his recent visit to the White Marsh. During his stay at the plantation, Grivel spoke with Isaac Hawkins, an enslaved man who had been listed as part of the 1838 sale, but who remained at White Marsh after the sale. Most of Hawkins' family was sold to Louisiana.

Grivel describes that "Old Isaac at 77, can do little, but goes on living at the meat house near the kitchen, with his wife. "


Maryland Province Archives


Georgetown Slavery Archive




Elsa Barraza Mendoza


Maryland Province-Society of Jesus










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G.T. College 15 april 1842

  Carissime in Xto Fr. Carole
It is always with a sanguine expectation that I open yrletters; but I am always disappointed with regard to yr health & capacity of applying to read the office etc & the conclusion of yrstudies in moral Divinity. However I foresee that the term of yr trial is approaching its end, having longer intervals of good health. I have said trial; it's nothing else, during which you have gained great merits b yr resignation to the will of God, & must have advanced very much in curbing self love, & pride, if you had any; perhaps, but never in high degree. Nevertheless God is jealous of our hope & exclusive confidence in Himself only. Pray for some, whom I know, & to whom I wish not to rely so much as they do, on their own talents & forces; humiliations wd necessary to them & I expect they shall get some; in the mean time patience & contempt of ourselves.
            Fr Lucas will have told you the news, but FrDubisson wrote these days from Marseilles that his throat is not better & would want a year more to be cured, if ever cured: so make haste with yr studies & that you might be ordained next September, so says not Fr. Prov. but I myself.
     I wrote to Ctain Richardson on the 14thInst., about his son who is doing as well as a beginner can do, we will see.  I heard that the author of this philosophical sentence Br O Hare is seriously sick; Fr Carbery will tell me some particulars about him. Fr McElroy is already here, FrCombs is expected, to consult all together about the state of our farms. Bp̄ England is dead; a great loss! He died on the 5thInstt.
27 april- I interrupted my letter on account of a severe fit on, I don’t know what, but it was a general prostration. Dr Warfield says it was a bilious, without fever, nor cold, nor head ache, but nauseas, costiveness. Do you understand that? I am not entirely free of it & must take medicines. Come then here you! Great
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great Medicine man! It would be well if you could go to the celebration at St Inigoes for the tenth of Mai. More than 100 of our boys, with their Prefects & professors & strangers will go also; Fr Ryder has chartered a steam boat for two days to take them down & the next day up. Eugene Richardson will go too. The boy is quite pleased now: He has been at confession with me, & is preparing for his first communion. The prefects & his professor Magister Blenkinsop has nothing to blame in it, he is regular, studies well, for His progress, youhis father will see out of the bullbins sent to the parents, every 3 months, I think, only one thing, he shows too much disposition to associate with those boys who are not the best; he is too easy with them. A wise & general advice from his father about that, would be proper to be given; my best respects to that respectable column of the Church on the E. shore. I was told that Parson Mason is brewing & broiling at this time. Arise now, Captain, in defense of the Church. Eugene’s health is good.
Fr. V. Provincial has started on the 25th for his visit beginning by Frederick, going on to Conewago, Goshenhoppen, Philadelphia, Bohemia, S. Joseph, & White Marsh. I was for 3 days at W. Marsh with Fr Rey who is a distinguished man, fit for every thing in the college & for Trinity Church, teaching, preaching & he is very popular amongst all - Old Isaac at 77, can do little, but goes on, living at the meat house near the kitchen with his wife. He & all spoke of you, wishing to be remembered, especially Miss Kitty Drury & Misses Duval, their father, mother, & brother are dead. Emily, Cressy & Rebecca who is crazy, but not mad live together for this year till Christmas & will move. Where? They do not know. The Hopkins are well & Alfred has been baptized. He is an excellent plain boy; at Notley Young’s all right, his Benjamin is farming at his father’s & loves nothing else but the paternal house & farm: he is regular to his duties. Several converts are expected to join the Church. Miss McGill the madam
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Perhas Dr. Waters too- Fr. Lilly goes every month to Dr Theod. Jenkins near the factory, his church is almost finished, his wife has been baptized & there are great hopes of many conversions. It is very much spoken of Fr Mulledy’s return, I wish it sincerely, but there is nothing certain. Fr Dubuisson is lingering in Marseille & is not expected before next spring 1843, it may be that some fathers will accompany Fr. Van de Velde or Fr. Mulledy to Maryland. Old Bp Conwell is dead at 92. S. Joseph’s house at Philad. Will be free.
It is all Dr C. Charles: answer to me & belive me to be one of yr best friends in union at yr prayer & devotion to the S.S. Hearth of the J. & M.  Tell Fr King that I have written to K.Y. for a private business. I asked him about Georges: I expect a confirmatory answer of his good behavior. My respects to Frs. King & Cary & Br Carroll. Tell them the news & Fr Lucas of course:
Br. Van de Wardt is well, not crazy but eccentrick & unable to do useful things, he sings & is very sociable.
It is all- again yr friend F. Grivel
Revd C.C. Lancaster
Wye mill P.O.
Talbot Cty
St. Joseph’s Church
Eastern Shore

Original Format




Maryland Province Archives, “"old Isaac... goes on, living:" Fr. Grivel to Fr. Lancaster, April 15, 1842,” Georgetown Slavery Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://slaveryarchive.georgetown.edu/items/show/453.
