"Cham's Descendants": The Mobberly Diaries, Part II, August 1823
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The Mobberly Diaries were previously hosted by the Jesuit Plantation Project.
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Cham's Descendants
Children inherit their parents dispositions and their Parents' vices, or virtues.
Berosius says that Cham was a Magician. (see pag. 67) The Author of the book of wisdom addressing Almighty God concerning the Descendants of Cham says; " O Lord, thou didst abhor the ancient Inhabitants of the holy Land, because they did works hateful to thee by their sorceries and wicked Sacrifices, and those merciless murderers of their own Children and eaters of men's bowels and devourers of blood from the midst of thy consecration, and those parents sacrificing with their own hands helpless souls, it was thy will to destroy by the hands
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of our parents, that the land, which of all, is most dear to thee, might receive a mighty Colony of the Children of God." Chap. 12.3 etc.
"Thou wast not ignorant that they were a wicked generation and their malice natural,+ and that their thought could not be changed.¹ For it was a cursed seed from the beginning."* Wisdom. Chap. 12-10-11.
Old Africans living in Maryland have frequently confessed and seemingly with pleasure that they had been accustomed in their own Country to feast upon roasted Infants and that a pickaninny (a roasted infant) was the sweetest morsel they have ever tasted!
If this account is true, we-----------
+That is thy receives this malice from their Father Cham.
¹ On account of their stubborn and perverse will.
* From the flood, the beginning, as it were, of a new world, or when Cham Sinned.
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may reasonably concluded that the African character accords with the above Scriptural passage in all its parts.
The following divisions of the human race are taken from Goldsmith's Animated Nature: Vol. 1 - page 364 to the end of page 380. The first distinct race of men is found around the polar regions: ver. the Laplanders, Esquirmaux Indians, Lamoids, Tartars, NovaLemblans, Borandians, Greenlanders and the Kamskatkans. All these resemble each other in stature and customs etc. Their colour is a deep brown-visage laige and broad, nose flat and short, eyes of a yellowish brown, eyelids drawn towards the temples, cheek bones