Philodemic Society debates about slavery, race, and secession, 1830-1875
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Philodemic Society debates about slavery, race, and secession, 1830-1875
Slavery--Georgetown University; Debating Societies--Slavery
In his 2018 History honors thesis, ""Let us form a body guard for Liberty" – Conceptions of Liberty and Nation in Georgetown College’s Philodemic Society, 1830–1875," Jonathan Marrow (GU '18) compiled data on over 1,200 debates held by Georgetown's Philodemic Society from 1830-1875. The students frequently debated topics related to slavery, race, and secession, as Marrow's data reveals. See below for a list of debates by topic and date, with the outcome of the debate indicated for each entry. Marrow compiled this data from the Philodemic Society's Amanuensis Books, which are available through Digital Georgetown in the Philodemic Society Archive.
Jonathan Marrow
Jonathan Marrow, Adam Rothman
Jonathan Marrow
Text Item Type Metadata
Debates Related to Slavery | Date | Vote |
Should slaves be liberated? | December 12, 1830 | Negated |
Have the different States of the Union the right to send off their free coloured population? | February 26, 1832 | Affirmed 11-9 |
Would the expulsion of all Negroes, both bond[ed] and free contribute to the welfare of the nation? | March 11, 1832 | Affirmed 11-9 |
Would the abolition of slavery be beneficial to the Union | March 3, 1833 | Affirmed 11-10 |
Would the abolition of slavery be beneficial or not to the union? | October 28, 1833 | Negated |
Is the institution of slavery just? | March 28, 1844 | Negated 2-10 |
Is slavery consistent with republican institutions? | January 18, 1845 | Affirmed 13-1 |
Is slavery consistent with a republic? | January 4, 1846 | Affirmed 8-4 |
Is slavery consistent with Republican institutions? | January 3, 1847 | Affirmed 11-4 |
Would the abolition of slavery be detrimental to the country? | December 12, 1847 | Affirmed 13-3 |
Is slavery consistent with a republican govenrment? | June 25, 1848 | Negated 4-6 |
Should slavery be restricted from our new territories? | April 21, 1849 | Affirmed 8-7 |
Would the abolition of slavery in the D.C. be consistent with justice? | November 18, 1849 | Negated 3-12 |
Would the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia be consistent with policy? | April 21, 1850 | Negated 1-7 |
Would the expulsion of all negroes, both slaves and freemen, contribute to the welfare of the country? | June 22, 1851 | Negated 1-12 |
Whether or not the Nebraska bill should pass Congress? | March 5, 1854 | Affirmed 13-4 |
Is slavery an evil as it exists in America? | October 29, 1854 | Negated 3-11 |
Has Congress a right to exclude slavery from the territories & from the District of Columbia? | March 4, 1855 | Negated 5-9 |
Should the African slave trade be reopened? | May 20, 1855 | Negated 3-12 |
Is slavery an evil? | February 17, 1856 | Negated 3-5 |
Is the extension of slavery beneficial to the welfare and prosperity of the Union? | February 1, 1857 | Affirmed 7-4 |
Is the extension of slavery beneficial to the welfare and prosperity of the Union? | October 24, 1858 | Affirmed 15-8 |
Has the emancipation of slaves been beneficial to the South? | February 5, 1874 | Negated 5-10 |
Debates Related to Race | ||
Were the English justifiable in depriving the Indians of this country? | October 19, 1834 | Affirmed 4-2 |
Whether or not Florida should be given to the Indians? | January 12, 1840 | Negated 2-10 |
Should Bloodhounds be employed in the Florida war | March 27, 1841 | Tied 5-5, chair negated |
Were the whites justifiable in expelling the Indians from this country? | February 27, 1842 | Negated 5-7 |
Were the Americans justifiable in employing bloodhounds against the Indians | November 6, 1842 | Negated 6-10 |
Was the treatment of the Whites towards the Indians justifiable? | March 12, 1843 | Negated |
Who are the more miserable, the Indians chased from their lands & properties or the Negroes brought from the shores of Africa and reduced to slavery? | October 27, 1844 | Not voted upon |
Which is the most deserving of our pity, the Indian or the Negro? | December 20, 1846 | Affirmed 10-5 |
Which deserves more our pity, the Negro or the Indian? | October 16, 1848 | Negated 4-9 |
Whether the whites had a right to dispossess the Indians of their territories in America? | November 25, 1849 | Negated 6-11 |
Did the Indians orginally emigrate from the Eastern Continent? | April 7, 1850 | Affirmed unanimously |
Were the Whites justifiable in expelling the aborigines? | January 19, 1851 | Negated 6-9 |
Whether the Indian or the African has received more injuries from the hand of man? | April 13, 1851 | Affirmed 12-7 |
Were the white justifiable in driving the aborigines from their lands? | January 23, 1853 | Negated 5-10 |
Are Negroes more worthy of sympathy than Indians? | October 28, 1855 | Negated 3-7 |
Which is harder, a negroe's head or a brick-bat? | June 29, 1856 | Affirmed 5-4 |
Which is the better material for constructing breast-works and fortifications, niggers' heads or cotton bales? | January 18, 1857 | Affirmed 5-4 |
Do savage nations possess a right to the soil | May 6, 1860 | Affirmed 7-3 |
Do savage nations possess a right to the soil? | March 23, 1862 | No vote recorded |
Should negroes have the right of suffrage? | February 18, 1866 | No vote recorded |
Was the expulsion of the Indians from the Eastern States justifiable? | March 25, 1866 | No vote recorded |
Did the Moors at the time of the reconquest of Granada by Ferdinand and Isabella possess a right to the soil? | April 16, 1866 | Negated 2-3 |
Which is the nobler, the Indian or the Whiteman? | December 16, 1866 | Affirmed 5-3 |
Do savage nations possess a full right to the soil? | May 16, 868 | Affirmed 6-5 |
Should a hostile or conciliatory policy be pursued towards the Indians? | November 29, 1868 | Affirmed |
Would the introduction of the Chinese into the Southern states be beneficial? | October 17, 1869 | Negated |
Which was the superior race, the Mongolian or Caucasian? | March 27, 1870 | Negated 6-7 |
Is the conferring of the suffrage upon the negroes of our country calculated to promote the prosperity of the United States? | November 27, 1870 | No vote recorded |
Could America avoid the policy pursued in regard to the Indians? | March 4, 1875 | Affirmed 14-4 |
Debates Related to Disunion and Secession | ||
Is nullification justifiable? | December 5, 1847 | Affirmed 6-4 |
Ought nullifcation to be extended to one state? | May 18, 1849 | Affirmed 10-7 |
Would the south be justifiable in separating from the north? | January 6, 1850 | Affirmed 7-6 |
Has a state the right to secede from the Union? | October 20, 1850 | Affirmed 10-6 |
Whether the influences which tend to perpetuate, be stronger than those which tend to dissolve the union of the United States? | February 29, 1852 | Affirmed 11-3 |
Whether the circumstances which tend to perpetuate are greater than those which tend to dissolve the union of the U.S. | March 20, 1853 | Negated 6-7 |
Are the circumstances which tend to perpetuate greater than those which tend to dissolve the Union? | April 24, 1853 | Negated 8-10 |
Do present circumstances tend more to dissolve than to perpetuate the Union? | October 16, 1853 | Negated 4-15 |
Is the extension of territory calculated to endanger the preservation of the Union? | November 27, 1853 | Affirmed 13-7 |
Has a state to the right to secede from the Union? | December 18, 1853 | Affirmed 8-6 |
Were the political doctrines of John C. Calhoun in any manner detrimental to the welfare of the country? | May 21, 1854 | Affirmed 10-9 |
Has a state a constitutional right to secede? | January 21, 1855 | Negated 4-9 |
Does the present political condition of the country argue its preservation or destruction? | April 22, 1855 | Affirmed 6-5 |
Can a state nullify a law of Congress and remain in the Union? | June 10, 1855 | Negated 4-9 |
Does the present state of the country argue the preservation or destruction of the Union? | January 13, 1856 | Affirmed 9-3 |
Do the indications of the present time threaten a dissolution of the Union? | January 4, 1857 | Tie 3-3, chair negated |
Does the present position of affairs of United States tend to their preservation or downfall? | January 10, 1858 | Affirmed 10-1 |
Has a state the right to secede from the Union? | November 9, 1858 | Tied, chair negated |
Should the South now secede from the Union? | December 11, 1859 | Affirmed 8-5 |
Should Democrats or South Americans assist in the election of Sherman or any Black Republican? | December 18, 1859 | Negated 1-11 |
Should governor Wise have sent so many troops to Charlestown? | January 8, 1860 | Affirmed 8-2 |
Should Southern Democrats vote for Douglas for President if he be nominated by the Charleston Convention? | February 26, 1860 | Affirmed 6-5 |
Whether as the Union now stands under the present constitution & the fact of slavery in some states should the qustion of slavery be agitated either privately or publicly? | March 4, 1860 | Negated 3-9 |
Whether the Union will be dissolved in the case of the election of Lincoln as President of the U.S. | October 13, 1860 | Negated 1-9 |
Ought the Southern States to oppose the coercion of any States of the Union, should any secede in the event of a Black Republican President | November 18, 1860 | Affirmative, 8-1 |
Are the Southern states justifiable in seizing upon the property of the Federal Government? | February 17, 1861 | Tied 5-5 |
Is a nation ever justified in rising against its rulers? | March 1, 1863 | Affirmed 9-2 |
Which is more efficiacious in quelling rebellion or for preserving tranquillity, a lenient or despotic exercise of power? | November 11, 1866 | Affirmed 8-4 |
Are the influences which tend to perpetuate, greater than those which tend to dissolve the Union of the U.S.? | March 6, 1870 | Negated |
Has a state a right to secede? | February 27, 1873 | Negated 5-10 |
Have states the right to secede from the Union? | November 13, 1873 | Tied, chair negated |
Has a state the right to secede? | October 15, 1874 | Negated 6-7 |
Jonathan Marrow, “Philodemic Society debates about slavery, race, and secession, 1830-1875,” Georgetown Slavery Archive, accessed February 23, 2025,