Browse Items (5 total)

A letter from Thomas Brown, a slave at St. Louis University, complaining of the mistreatment. of himself and his wife Molly in 1833. He offers to purchase their freedom for $100, which is "as much as our old Bones are worth."

GTM119b61f09i01 Neale to Dzierozynski 1826-01-13.compressed.pdf
In this letter, Fr. Francis Neale, SJ reports that he must sell an enslaved man at St. Thomas Manor to the owner of the man's wife, who was planning to sell her and her three children. This letter demonstrates the complex family lives of people…

GTM119b66f01 Grivel to Lancaster 1839-05-04.pdf
Fr. Grivel reports from Georgetown on the aftermath of the sale of the Maryland Jesuits' human property. He notes that the Jesuits tried to keep husbands and wives together, but that some children were sent to Louisiana without their mothers. Some…

GTM50b1f5 Feiner Letter Book 1827-07-05 Pass for Stephen.pdf
On July 5, 1827, William Feiner, SJ, acting as President of Georgetown College, wrote a pass for Stephen, an enslaved man, allowing him to go to St. Thomas' Manor.

After providing for his safe passage, Rev, Feiner, SJ, gave Stephen a letter for…

Noble Young compensation claim 1862.pdf
In 1862, Dr. Noble Young, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of Georgetown College, submitted a petition for compensation from the federal government for the emancipation of seven people whom he had owned,…
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