The Maryland Province Jesuits did not sell all of their slaves to Louisiana in 1838, disposing of several to local buyers and maintaining a handful on their own plantations. Rev. Joseph Carbery, SJ, the Jesuit manager of St. Inigoes, identified the…
On May 27, 1836, Rev. Joseph Carbery SJ, the manager at St. Inigoes, wrote to the clerk of the levy court of St. Mary's County to request that he remove eight slaves from his tax burden. The Jesuits had sold six children under the age of eight away…
In this letter from 1840, Fr. John McElroy, acting as Procurator of the Maryland Jesuits, and Dr. Jesse Batey haggle over the price of three enslaved persons sold in 1838 to Louisiana. After the sale, Batey demanded a sum to be deducted for some of…