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AMST 272 Clifford Maringouin.mp3
Maringouin, Louisiana is a small town of just 1,100 people, 900 of whom can trace their ancestry back to the Maryland Jesuits' 1838 sale of 272 people. Many of those who were sold to Jesse Batey at the West Oak plantation have descendants who remain…

McElroy Journal 1819-06-06 and 1819-06-27 School for colored persons.pdf
Rev. John McElroy comments on the instruction of black students at Trinity Church in Georgetown in 1819.

Gaston letter 1824.jpg
Letter from William Gaston to Joseph Carberry, S.J., giving him a slave named Augustus to be educated and then freed, September 1, 1824.

Fr. Carberry was stationed at St. Inigoes at this time.

(Thanks to Georgetown University Archivist Lynn…
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